While DQL queries work, we're finding that with xPlore in the mix, straight up DQL queries are not as efficient as they once were. We need to rewrite the DCTM Query Implementation in OC to migrate away from DQL. Before starting any code, however, we should take a look at how Webtop Advanced search works. While we are not sure at this point, we think it uses the new-ish com.documentum.xml.xquery package vs. compiling and executing a DQL statement.
One thing we do know, however, is that Webtop searches involving attributes and full text are much faster vs. the same query via OC.
While coding this, we should also account for the following scenarios:
[x] Ability for client code to specify each attributes operator, similar to how the EnhancedQueryCriteriaBean worked
[ ] Ability for client code to specify whether or not each attribute is case sensitive (default - false)
While DQL queries work, we're finding that with xPlore in the mix, straight up DQL queries are not as efficient as they once were. We need to rewrite the DCTM Query Implementation in OC to migrate away from DQL. Before starting any code, however, we should take a look at how Webtop Advanced search works. While we are not sure at this point, we think it uses the new-ish com.documentum.xml.xquery package vs. compiling and executing a DQL statement.
One thing we do know, however, is that Webtop searches involving attributes and full text are much faster vs. the same query via OC.
While coding this, we should also account for the following scenarios:
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