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Versioning Breaks Signature Page if Native Content is PDF #66

Open nwoodbine opened 9 years ago

nwoodbine commented 9 years ago

TSGHBaseAppendSignaturePageImpl#saveToRepository will call enhancedUpdateObject on the current objectId, which in turn passes the objectId of the minor to the rendition server. The object is then major-versioned, and all minor versions are deletedand the objectId is updated to reflect this. When the transformation server returns it will attempt to apply the transformation to an object that no longer exists, which causes an error.

dgrumieaux commented 9 years ago

Why is the enhancedUpdateObject call versioning the document?

nwoodbine commented 9 years ago

I updated the description to hopefully be more clear. In this case, enhancedUpdateObject isn't versioning, but it is passing the content with appended signature page to the transformation engine. By the time it is asynchronously renditioned, the callback has an objectId that is out of date.

gsteimer commented 9 years ago

Setting the priority of this to be Upon Client Request. In all of the compliance scenarios we've seen, the native content of quality documents is almost never PDF. In the rare cases that they are PDFs, they're approved outside of the system, scanned in with wet signatures, and power promoted in the HPI stage.