tshaddix / webext-redux

A set of utilities for building Redux applications in Web Extensions.
MIT License
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Hot reloading using yarn start leads to error - chrome.runtime.connect() called from a webpage must specify an Extension ID #264

Open mljlynch opened 3 years ago

mljlynch commented 3 years ago

I've set up an extension using Create React App and webext-redux. I would like to use yarn start to be able to serve my files in the browser and hot reload the extension, but I keep getting an issues with the following error:

× TypeError: Error in invocation of runtime.connect(optional string extensionId, optional object connectInfo): chrome.runtime.connect() called from a webpage must specify an Extension ID (string) for its first argument.

I was reading #207 but I wasn't sure what the outcome was to specify this - should I supply the store with the extensionId manually? if so where do I do this?