tshaddix / webext-redux

A set of utilities for building Redux applications in Web Extensions.
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Supporting manifest v3 on webext-redux #282

Closed eduardoacskimlinks closed 1 month ago

eduardoacskimlinks commented 2 years ago

Supporting manifest v3 within webext-redux

The goal is to move away from connecting architecture into an event-driven model where the state changes will be broadcast across the tabs, allowing the backend-script store to sync within the different content-script.

How has the architecture changed?

We have adjusted the architecture by introducing an initialisation and broadcast mechanism which will follow three parts:

  1. When content-script loads in the tab/page will fetch the latest state available from the background-script
  2. Background script will broadcast any changes to the store identifiable by the port name.
  3. The extension developer using this library will be responsible for state persistence by subscribing to store changes using the Chrome storage API (TBD: If storage persistence should be within the library)


async function initializeExtension() {
    const stateFromStorage = await loadState()

    // Initialize store from data storage
    const store = createStore(
        applyMiddleware(alias(aliases), thunk)
    wrapStore(store, { portName: STORE_PORT_NAME })

     * Clear the state information after the store has updated
     * IMPORTANT: After we store the state for a new cache version
     * in Chrome.store.local, clearState will remove any older cache versions
     * preventing us from exceeding its max quota allocation.
     * (Currently, 5MB - 17/02/2022)
    await clearState()
     * Keeping a copy of the redux store in [Chrome local storage API](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/storage/#property-local).
     * Redux store doesn't persist in memory forever - in Windows environment
     * it's deleted every time the browser closes (OSX behaves differently).
    saveState(store.getState()) // Preserve current state after clearing cache
    store.subscribe(() => {


Fix #244

eduardoacskimlinks commented 2 years ago

Following the great example on https://github.com/tshaddix/webext-redux/pull/283#issuecomment-1144279331, I want to share we went live last week after several weeks of QA.

Our extension is https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/skimlinks-editor-tool/gmfcchdbgideoiehadmlmpnbhdcjoaih?hl=en

We release the PR using the following package https://www.npmjs.com/package/@eduardoac-skimlinks/webext-redux

nasonlee28 commented 2 years ago

Hi, @eduardoacskimlinks thanks for building it to support MV3! I used this PR and found that I get store from Popup but the state of Popup didn't sync with the state of the background script.

Let's say, I made a React component and dispatch a thunk action to the background script to fetch API, but after the background script received the API response and updated the redux state, the state of Popup was not updated. I am sure the previous webext-redux works correctly. This issue only exists in this PR. Do you have any idea? Anyway, thanks for this nice patch again!

z0ccc commented 2 years ago

@eduardoacskimlinks Thanks for building this! Where should the initializeExtension() code go?

eduardoacskimlinks commented 2 years ago

Hi, @eduardoacskimlinks thanks for building it to support MV3! I used this PR and found that I got store from Popup, but the state of Popup didn't sync with the state of the background script.

Let's say I made a React component and dispatched a thunk action to the background script to fetch API, but after the background script received the API response and updated the redux state, the state of Popup was not updated. I am sure the previous webext-redux works correctly. This issue only exists in this PR. Do you have any idea? Anyway, thanks for this nice patch again!

Hi @nasonlee28, thanks for the support. If you moved to Manifest V3 in your extension then webext-redux won't work as the library relies on the chrome.runtime.connect function. This is combined with the service-worker architecture where the background script is stopped to save resources. I am confident the original version doesn't work on V3.

Regarding your issue, it seems similar to the one we faced in the content-script. However, I need more details on the implementation to guide you through any potential solutions. For example, is your extension open source?

@z0ccc The setup is the same as before regarding webext-redux. The only change is the package and the fact that you will require to persist the state as described in this PR

z0ccc commented 2 years ago

@eduardoacskimlinks Hi, thanks for the reply. I'm confused as to where clearState, saveState, etc come from. Are these functions I need to write myself?

eduardoacskimlinks commented 2 years ago

@z0ccc That's correct. Initially, I added them as placeholders to make the code readable as you need to use chrome storage API. For instance, we use promises + chrome.storage.local that you can find here, but I encourage you to find the best solution for you and your extension needs.

nasonlee28 commented 2 years ago

Hi, @eduardoacskimlinks thanks for building it to support MV3! I used this PR and found that I got store from Popup, but the state of Popup didn't sync with the state of the background script. Let's say I made a React component and dispatched a thunk action to the background script to fetch API, but after the background script received the API response and updated the redux state, the state of Popup was not updated. I am sure the previous webext-redux works correctly. This issue only exists in this PR. Do you have any idea? Anyway, thanks for this nice patch again!

Hi @nasonlee28, thanks for the support. If you moved to Manifest V3 in your extension then webext-redux won't work as the library relies on the chrome.runtime.connect function. This is combined with the service-worker architecture where the background script is stopped to save resources. I am confident the original version doesn't work on V3.

Regarding your issue, it seems similar to the one we faced in the content-script. However, I need more details on the implementation to guide you through any potential solutions. For example, is your extension open source?

@z0ccc The setup is the same as before regarding webext-redux. The only change is the package and the fact that you will require to persist the state as described in this PR

Hi @eduardoacskimlinks, thanks for replying to me.

I have a reducer and action file:

import merge from 'lodash/merge';

export const openPopup = () => {
  return (dispatch) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      dispatch({ type: 'OPEN_POPUP' });
    }, 5000);

export const uiOpenPopup = () => {
  return {
    type: 'UI_OPEN_POPUP',

const initialState = {
  isPopupOpened: false,

export default (state = initialState, action) => {
  const { type } = action;

  switch (type) {
    case 'OPEN_POPUP':
      return merge({}, state, { isPopupOpened: true });

      return state;

And I applied the alias middleware while creating store.

applyMiddleware(alias({ UI_OPEN_POPUP: openPopup }))

Here is how my popup dispatch action:

// In my react component
const Popup = () => {
  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);
  const isPopupOpened = useSelector((state) => state.test.isPopupOpened);

  return <>{`isPopupOpened: ${isPopupOpened}`}</>;

const store = await getProxyStore();

  <Provider store={store}>
    <Popup />

How I get store in Popup script:

import { Store } from '@eduardoac-skimlinks/webext-redux';

let store = null;

export const getProxyStore = async () => {
  if (!store) {
    store = new Store();

  await store.ready();

  return store;

The first time I opened the popup, I saw isPopupOpened: false, after 5 secs it would dispatch openPopup action to change the redux state, but my popup won't sync with the latest state. The popup still displays isPopupOpened: false. But If I opened the popup again, it will display isPopupOpened: true which is expected.

nasonlee28 commented 2 years ago

Not sure if it is relative to MV3 or redux, I found that my console panel of popup shows the redux logs by redux-logger which I use to log on the background script.

eduardoacskimlinks commented 2 years ago

@nasonlee28 Sorry for the late reply, we were closing the quarter, and I didn't have much time available.

Regarding the issue, it seems precisely the one we faced on the content scripts on our side that drove us to create this PR. Have you used the persistence storage that I describe in the PR description? It's likely that the service worker goes to sleep and sends a new message with the original state causing the pop-up to reset to the initial store state otherwise.

I recommend searching on your bundle disabling minifying for the function serializedMessagePoster responsible for notifying the tabs with the new state and both patchState from the server and content store wrapper to gather more insights.

Finally, I don't discard that it may be an error on the PR, so we need to do some debugging to understand where the problem comes from Setup or the code itself.

RomanSavarin commented 2 years ago

Hi, guys! First of all, @eduardoacskimlinks thank you for your excellent work. 
@nasonlee28, I’ve met with the same problem. Popup didn’t update its state after the background state had been updated. It happens because the background store doesn’t broadcast changes into the popup(arrow 4). ext 

As a possible workaround, you can subscribe on chrome.storage change directly(arrow 5). Here is a code snippet:

proxyStore.ready().then(() => {
    const update = (changes) => {
        const newState = changes[STORAGE_CACHE_VERSION].newValue;

        <Provider store={proxyStore}>
            <Popup />


Nonetheless, I’ve prepared a fix for it. We could notify Popup together with content-scripts inside serializedMessagePoster. Here is Pull Request. Please, review when you have free time.
 Also, I’ve made an example of working extension that uses fixes from my PR.

To test it:

  1. Build and install the extension.
  2. Open any web page. You should see a small HTML Element in the right bottom corner injected by a content script.

  3. Click on the extension’s icon to open Popup.
  4. Click on Popup/Element’s buttons to verify that counters are synchronized.


eduardoacskimlinks commented 2 years ago

@RomanSavarin Thanks for contributing to the PR and providing great context. I will review your proposed changes and try to come back to you in a couple of days.

eduardoacskimlinks commented 1 year ago

@nasonlee28 I have released the changes from @RomanSavarin into the following version @eduardoac-skimlinks/webext-redux@3.0.1-release-candidate.

Kudos to @RomanSavarin, for the great explanation and example. There were helpful to try the changes

svrnm commented 1 year ago

@eduardoacskimlinks, @RomanSavarin, @nasonlee28 , @z0ccc & everyone else who helped to make this happen: THANK YOU! I just replaced the dependency with your package and everything works as expected so far. I will do some more testing, but that's saving me and others so much time.

eduardoacskimlinks commented 1 year ago

@svrnm Glad to hear. Hopefully, we can keep this project alive even if it's through a fork

EduardoAC commented 10 months ago

After extensive experimentation, I found Redux isn't the most effective solution for scaling our Chrome extension. Check out my article for insights. Stay tuned for the follow-up on building a robust React UI extension without Redux. (@eduardoacskimlinks is company account 😄)


svrnm commented 9 months ago

following up on this as well: things looked like they worked for a while but things are still not stable/breaking from time to time (even when using @eduardoac-skimlinks/webext-redux unfortunately), it looks like we also need to redo a lot of the basics of the chrome extension

eduardoacskimlinks commented 9 months ago

@svrnm That also happened to us; what I found, in general, is the broadcast effectively works, but we found two significant situations when it becomes cranky:

I would like to hear about your challenges and learn more about other developers experiences

svrnm commented 9 months ago

@eduardoacskimlinks we never really could isolate a root cause of the issue, all we get is complaints by users of the extension (https://github.com/svrnm/demomonkey) that storing configurations is broken randomly (which let us to a similar assumption that there is somehow something not OK with the service workers). For some time we assumed that bugs in chrome are responsible (see https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1316588 and https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1426461), but after we thought it was fixed, it now returned once again.

Final Note: I have to admit that when I created that extension years ago I had some fundamental misunderstandings of React&Redux and a lot of stuff that shouldn't go through that mechanism, is flowing through it. It worked for multiple years just fine, so I never touched it 🤷‍♂️

cc @clintonfray

clintonfray commented 9 months ago

@eduardoacskimlinks, The issues we experiencing has the following symptoms:

  1. The options page is saving data successfully, after a long idle time while keeping the options page open the background script stops and we are unable to save any data.
  2. When we refresh the options page then data saves, but any information we had initially saved is lost.
eduardoacskimlinks commented 9 months ago

Thanks for sharing for additional coverage. This is helpful because it validates that we are experiencing the same issues.

SidneyNemzer commented 1 month ago

Hey @eduardoacskimlinks, thanks for working on this! I've cherry-picked these changes into #297 to make some additional fixes. Closing this PR in favor of #297.

eduardoacskimlinks commented 1 month ago


That's fantastic news, @SidneyNemzer! I appreciate you taking the time to incorporate my work and make the additional fixes. I'll keep an eye on #297. My personal GitHub handler moving forward is @EduardoAC, so feel free to tag me if there's anything else I can do to help.