tshatrov / ichiran

Linguistic tools for texts in Japanese language
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Support for がい/かい suffix #24

Closed dddlr closed 5 months ago

dddlr commented 1 year ago


I noticed that there doesn't seem to be support for the [verb masu stem] + がい + structure, and ichi.moe instead would try to parse this as everything except 甲斐 😅

Here's an example from the 転生したら剣でした manga chapter 58. This chapter is available on sites like klmanga[.]com if more context is needed.

...だが それでこそ 狩りがいのある獣よ!

It would be really awesome if ichi.moe could parse this structure somehow. One quick fix I thought of was to treat the whole がいのある as a variant of 甲斐がある so that JMDict's entry for 甲斐がある appears. But then again, I realize that several other structures involving かい/がい also exist and aren't parsed properly by ichi.moe, so there's likely far more robust approaches than my suggestion here.

Thank you :)

tshatrov commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting, I'll see when I can get around to fixing this.