tshort / StaticCompiler.jl

Compiles Julia code to a standalone library (experimental)
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Validity of `ccall`ing with the ORC JIT? #153

Closed chriselrod closed 4 months ago

chriselrod commented 4 months ago

Code like this works as intended (so long as you only have a single argument #152):

using LLVM, StaticCompiler, SpecialFunctions
ccall_mod = StaticCompiler.native_llvm_module(erf, (Float64,); demangle=true)

function codegen!(mod::LLVM.Module, name)
  param_types = [LLVM.DoubleType()]
  ret_type = LLVM.DoubleType()

  tm = LLVM.JITTargetMachine(Sys.MACHINE, Sys.CPU_NAME)
  triple!(mod, triple(tm))

  ft = LLVM.FunctionType(ret_type, param_types)
  fn = LLVM.Function(mod, name, ft)

  # generate IR
  @dispose builder = IRBuilder() begin
    entry = BasicBlock(fn, "entry")
    position!(builder, entry)

    ccalltype = LLVM.FunctionType(LLVM.DoubleType(), [LLVM.DoubleType()])
    ccallname = StaticCompiler.fix_name(erf)
    fnccall = LLVM.Function(mod, ccallname, ccalltype)
    LLVM.linkage!(fnccall, LLVM.API.LLVMExternalLinkage)
    params = [parameters(fn)[1]]
    tmp = call!(builder, ccalltype, fnccall, params)
    ret!(builder, tmp)


function compile()
  tm = LLVM.JITTargetMachine(Sys.MACHINE, Sys.CPU_NAME)
  jit = LLJIT(; tm)
  @dispose ts_ctx = ThreadSafeContext() begin
    ts_mod = LLVM.ThreadSafeModule("ccall_caller")
    name = "ccall_example"
    ts_mod() do mod
      codegen!(mod, name)
    ts_mod() do tsmod
      LLVM.link!(tsmod, copy(ccall_mod))

    jd = JITDylib(jit)
    add!(jit, jd, ts_mod)
    if true
      prefix = LLVM.get_prefix(jit)
      dg = LLVM.CreateDynamicLibrarySearchGeneratorForProcess(prefix)
      LLVM.add!(jd, dg)
    let addr = pointer(lookup(jit, name))
      x -> ccall(addr, Float64, (Float64,), x)

erf2 = compile()
erf(1.2), erf2(1.2)
erf(-1.2), erf2(-1.2)
erf(0.4), erf2(0.4)

I get

julia> erf(1.2), erf2(1.2)
(0.9103139782296353, 0.9103139782296353)

julia> erf(-1.2), erf2(-1.2)
(-0.9103139782296353, -0.9103139782296353)

julia> erf(0.4), erf2(0.4)
(0.42839235504666845, 0.42839235504666845)

However, it also emits the warning

julia> ccall_mod = StaticCompiler.native_llvm_module(erf, (Float64,); demangle=true)
┌ Warning: Found pointer references to julia data
│   llvm instruction = %1 = call double inttoptr (i64 140261382491264 to double (double)*)(double %0)
│   name = :erf
│   file = Symbol("/home/chriselrod/Documents/languages/juliarelease/usr/bin/../lib/libopenlibm.so")
│   line = -1
│   fromC = true
│   inlined = false
└ @ StaticCompiler ~/.julia/packages/StaticCompiler/Uki9T/src/pointer_warning.jl:59
┌ Warning: LLVM function generated warnings due to raw pointers embedded in the code. This will likely cause errors or undefined behaviour.
│   func =
│    define double @erf(double %0) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
│    top:
│      %1 = call double inttoptr (i64 140261382491264 to double (double)*)(double %0)
│      ret double %1
│    }
└ @ StaticCompiler ~/.julia/packages/StaticCompiler/Uki9T/src/pointer_warning.jl:33
; ModuleID = 'start'
source_filename = "start"
target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-redhat-linux"

define double @erf(double %0) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
  %1 = call double inttoptr (i64 140261382491264 to double (double)*)(double %0)
  ret double %1

attributes #0 = { "frame-pointer"="all" }

!llvm.module.flags = !{!0, !1}

!0 = !{i32 2, !"Dwarf Version", i32 4}
!1 = !{i32 2, !"Debug Info Version", i32 3}

because it is using a literal pointer in the generated code.

It seems like this should be okay with the ORC JIT, as we're using it in the same process as the host Julia process, so that pointer should be valid and stable.

But I'd like to check whether this should really be okay and the warning is spurious for this use case, or if there is something else I ought to be doing.

vchuravy commented 4 months ago

Yes as long as you are in the same process this is okay. (But then you don't need StaticCompiler and can just use the native target in GPUCompiler)

chriselrod commented 4 months ago

Thanks, you're right. I dropped the StaticCompiler dep and am now just using GPUCompiler directly.