tshort / StaticCompiler.jl

Compiles Julia code to a standalone library (experimental)
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MallocString or StaticString from a simple string #156

Open Thomas008 opened 3 months ago

Thomas008 commented 3 months ago

Hi, I try to get copmiled abspath() or pwd(). Therefore it would be great, if it possibe to construct a MallocString or StaticString from a "simple" Julia string. Is this possible?

The following function can be compiled:

function f()
      a = @c_str("e")
      b = @m_str("e")

using compile_executable(b, (), "C:\\jul\\staticcompiler")

But as soon I use a local variable for the macro, I get LLVM IR errors when compiling:

function f()
      a = "r"

The same negative result I get from using the constructors StaticString and MallocString:

function f()
      b = MallocString("r")
function f()
     b = StaticString("r")

In the test suites I don't find an example for constructing a MallocString or StaticString out from a String.

Do you have any ideas to get compiled constucting a MallocString or StaticString from a String?

brenhinkeller commented 3 months ago

The problem is that you cannot construct Julia Strings in StaticCompiled code — we would need libjulia for that. That is why there are the workarounds with string macros

so when you write

a = “r"

this is already not static-compileable, even if it’s only a temporary variable.

If you can get a C-style string from the system, that’s fine, and you can convert that to a MallocString or StaticString. If you could get your hands on a Julia string, you could convert that too, but the problem is you cannot make one in the first place