tshort / StaticCompiler.jl

Compiles Julia code to a standalone library (experimental)
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Windows 11 bug: Instead of .exe file StaticCompiler.jl creates two files: hello.ll and wrapper.c #158

Open JohnClaw opened 2 months ago

JohnClaw commented 2 months ago

I typed intsructions from readme:

using StaticCompiler, StaticTools hello() = println(c"Hello, world!") compile_executable(hello, (), "c:/binary")

PhilippeMaincon commented 2 months ago

I find the same behaviour on Windows 10.

StaticCompiler.jl on Windows would be incredibly useful for me. I am not competent to help with compiling, alas.

bluebug commented 2 months ago

The code causing the problem is here, \c should be /c:

cmd \c clang # Not clear if the cmd \c is necessary

PhilippeMaincon commented 2 months ago

I made the change (on my machine) as @bluebug suggests, and this causes an error (which actually means progress): 'clang' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

I assume clang is a C compiler.

Do I already have clang installed with Julia and/or StaticCompiler.jl and I need to do something to make CMD know about it, or is clang not a part of the installation, and I have to install clang myself?

bluebug commented 2 months ago

I made the change (on my machine) as @bluebug suggests, and this causes an error (which actually means progress): 'clang' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

I assume clang is a C compiler.

Do I already have clang installed with Julia and/or StaticCompiler.jl and I need to do something to make CMD know about it, or is clang not a part of the installation, and I have to install clang myself?

I'm using clang.exe from preinstalled llvm and add "C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin" into windows paths.

clang --version 
clang version 17.0.6 
Target: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc 
Thread model: posix 
InstalledDir: C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin 

maybe you can find clang.exe from the path "C:\Users\yourname\.julia\artifacts"

Thomas008 commented 2 weeks ago

The problem is in the function generate_executable() of StaticCopmiler.jl in the line cmd \c clang # Not clear ... It must be cmd /c clang

It is kind of a typo that was unfortunately integrated.

Thomas008 commented 2 weeks ago

The clang.exe in the artifacts does not work for Windows, as pointed out in https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/Yggdrasil/issues/8015 There are versions of clang that work for Windows. They have to be integrated into the Clang_jll - package, i.e. into the artifacts.

PhilippeMaincon commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @Thomas008.

First, thank you for developping StaticCompiler, that's a very important work.

From JuliaPackaging/Yggdrasil#8015, I get the impression you have a workaround, using a local clang installation.

If that is the case, a "how to" (starting from installing clang) would be very valuable. Do you get an executable from releases.llvm.org ? Do we need to install LLVM or just Clang...?

Thomas008 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @PhilippeMaincon thank you! Just a correction: I did not develop StaticCompiler, but adapt it to Windows. Yes, I did a workaround. First you would add the package StaticCompiler. However, the file StaticCompiler.jl has still a small bug: The line must be cmd /c clang (instead of cmd \c clang) as mentioned above. Second, you need a clang that works for Windows. You probably don't need the whole LLVM project, only clang. The clang versions I used for Windows are e.g. on https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/tag/llvmorg-17.0.5 and https://github.com/mstorsjo/llvm-mingw/releases

However, we want to have repaired the clang in the artifact of the package Clang_jll, such that in StaticCompiler.jl one can use the function clang() provided by the package Clang_jll instead of applying cmd /c clang.