tshort / StaticCompiler.jl

Compiles Julia code to a standalone library (experimental)
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Remove getfield_elim_pass, try CI. #72

Closed femtomc closed 1 year ago

tshort commented 2 years ago

To try to get latest CI to pass, I tested a few changes using the beta version of Julia v1.8. I commented out the definition of optimize. That removes the call to optimize!. Next I had to change the ccall to jl_create_native following GPUCompiler:

        native_code = if VERSION >= v"1.8.0-DEV.661"
            ccall(:jl_create_native, Ptr{Cvoid},
                  (Vector{MethodInstance}, Ptr{Base.CodegenParams}, Cint),
                  [ssg.entry], Ref(params), #=extern policy=# 1)
            ccall(:jl_create_native, Ptr{Cvoid},
                  (Vector{MethodInstance}, Base.CodegenParams, Cint),
                  [ssg.entry], params, #=extern policy=# 1)

After these changes, tests pass until a failure in the LoopVectorization tests.