tsi / inlineDisqussions

Inline comments for your site.
MIT License
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How to use best when document is dynamic #24

Open bpkennedy opened 9 years ago

bpkennedy commented 9 years ago

I'm looking for a comment plugin similar to this. I'll be using pandoc to automatically convert markdown to html and publishing as the drafts of a long running paper. It'll have different chapters and, as usual, will be heavily edited over time - new paragraphs throughout and some removed.

I'd like people to be able to comment on sections during the drafting. Would you have any recommendations on how I could use your plugin to accomplish?

tsi commented 9 years ago

This is probably doesn't track document changes, and if not set explicitly, it will attach comment thread to elements by simple order. The only way you can handle changing document structure is by explicitly setting a unique ID per element, e.g. : <p data-disqus-identifier="disqussion-12"> Lorem ipsum... </p> If you can do that, then you should be fine.