tsi / inlineDisqussions

Inline comments for your site.
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Comments appear on the bottom of the page #3

Closed cutterkom closed 10 years ago

cutterkom commented 10 years ago


I have an issue with positioning the comments. They appear on the bottom the page under the content, when using the default selector "p". bildschirmfoto 2013-10-29 um 16 05 59

If I use p.post-content, nothing happens.

I am using WordPress, my structure is the following:

<section class="post-content">
            <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?>adsf</a></h2>
            <p class="dis"><?php echo the_content(); ?></p>

So I guess, I am using a wrong selector, but I can't figure out the right one.

Thanks for your help!

tsi commented 10 years ago

Two different issues:

  1. selector - should be either 'p.dis' or 'section.post-content', you don't have any 'p.post-content'.
  2. positioning - did you include the CSS?
kevinweber commented 10 years ago

Hi @cutterkom, you should consider Inline Comments for your WordPress site. This plugin brings inlineDisqussions to WordPress and is available on WordPress.org for free: www.kevinw.de/inline-comments

Best regards, Kevin