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Submitting Comments to the whole page instead of the individual comment threads #30

Open flemings opened 6 years ago

flemings commented 6 years ago


For some reason some of the comment links are submitting to the entire page instead of the individual comments. I'm confirming this by looking in the admin in Disqus. For example one that is working properly is https://mydomain.com/introductiondisqussion-7#comment-3562282982, an incorrect submission is https://mydomain.com/introduction#comment-3562298673. The unique "disqussion" identifier is missing in the submission.

I have checked that the properly is properly set on the "p" element, and on the "a" "disqussion-link" element. Including the other variables for the "a" element.

I have tracked it down to the "signedLink" property of the submission dialog. It appears in the iframe, in the script with the id "disqus-threadData."

Any thoughts on how I can properly update that value would be appreciated. I'm unsure why it works fine for some links on the page, but not all of them.

Thanks! Sean

tsi commented 6 years ago

Could you reproduce the issue on codepen or somewhere we can inspect it?

flemings commented 6 years ago

Hi I think I identified the issue. The CDN that serves the disqus count.js and other js files only updates every 30ish minutes, so when I was developing and making changes, disqus was not caught up. After I cleared all the erroneous comments and waited a while, things started working properly.

flemings commented 6 years ago


I am encountering the issue again in production, except I can't use the solution of deleting the erroneous comments. You can view the issue here. The comments with all the same number are the issue. At the moment they are all at 19, but that could change.

Any thoughts would be appreciated, Sean Fleming

flemings commented 6 years ago


tsi commented 6 years ago

Not sure, seems like the disqus_identifier and disqus_url are passing correctly, i.e. two different identifiers return the same comment thread.

  1. Can you get rid of any other JS issue on the page? uninav.min.js is throwing errors...
  2. Are you able to manually add data-disqus-identifier attribute to each paragraph? it might help.
flemings commented 6 years ago

Hi @tsi ,

I am not seeing any other js errors on the page. What browser are you using? I am not able to add them manually. They are generated based on what the content editor adds. Any other thoughts? I'm pretty sure that if I deleted the comments, it would fix it. Do you know if there is anyway to edit the comments in the disqus admin? I only see approve\delete.

Thanks, Sean

flemings commented 6 years ago


tsi commented 6 years ago

@flemings sorry, this does seem weird, but I have no way of debugging internal Discuss quirks. If you can see any (reproducible) way in which this script needs improvement, let's set up a demo page and debug it there.