tsi / inlineDisqussions

Inline comments for your site.
MIT License
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Is working for the top texts only #4

Closed titombo closed 10 years ago

titombo commented 10 years ago

Try this text as an example: http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/constituicao/constituicao.htm

I've copy and paste that in my solution.

Only the top one's work, the rest don't. It gives the error output:

Error 503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable

Guru Meditation:

XID: 1901407802

Varnish cache server

tsi commented 10 years ago

I don't see you calling inlineDisqussions on that page.

titombo commented 10 years ago

Sorry, I mean, I just got this HTML code, copied and paste in my solution and used your code example for comments in each paraghraph.

tsi commented 10 years ago

Sorry mate, I really can't help you this way. What is "this HTML code"? What is "my solution"? What is "your code example"?

titombo commented 10 years ago

Man, sorry, I just fixed it, it was due the padding it needs, you need to let to the page on the right-side or left-side, it doesn't override the text. Works like a charm, you made a good job!! :) I just used your own page as an example.

Using the CSS

and HTML:

div id="container"> div class="inner" >

/div> /div> Btw I am a big fan of Israel, it has an amazing educational system!

tsi commented 10 years ago

Awesome, I'm glad it works.