tsi / inlineDisqussions

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Inline disqussions are showing differently between browsers. #8

Open PaddyPatPat opened 10 years ago

PaddyPatPat commented 10 years ago

(The fourth reply in this thread has a more accurate description of the problem.)

Hi there, I'm using this great piece of work on my website here: http://duncan.net.nz . I tested it a couple of months back and it was working however now it seems that the inline disqussions wont show in Firefox. They work in Safari and Chrome. screen shot 2014-02-24 at 12 49 14 pm

Also, some of the paragraphs shows inlineDisqussion bubbles of "0" with no comments, rather than "+" with no comments. Not sure what's going on there and if it is at all related.

Any suggestions?

tsi commented 10 years ago

That seems like a CSS issue. I think a possible fix may be to change the height: 100% on #page to min-height: 100%

PaddyPatPat commented 10 years ago

Hmmm, I don't think it's a CSS issue. Here's what Firefox shows...

screen shot 2014-02-24 at 7 46 16 pm

(Sorry, slowly learning more about the issue.)

tsi commented 10 years ago

the inline disqussions wont show in Firefox.

So now it shows?

PaddyPatPat commented 10 years ago

Let me try explaining this again. The more I test, the more confusing it is getting. There are a few things going on here so I've tried to explain what is happening in each state. I don't have IE.

When paragraphs are not mouse-overed and do not have comments, chrome, safari and firefox all show no bubble.

When paragraphs are not mouse-overed and do have comments, chrome and firefox show no bubble... screen shot 2014-02-24 at 8 29 06 pm ... and Safari usually shows a dimmed bubble with the number of comments in it. Sometimes the bubble is hidden like in Chrome and Firefox. I cannot see any reason for this. It doesn't seem to be directly related to the previous load of the page or the state the bubble was in last time.... etc. It usually shows, but not always. screen shot 2014-02-24 at 8 38 33 pm

When a paragraph is mouse-overed and does not have comments, firefox, chrome and safari will either show a "+" bubble or a "0" bubble. I can't see any reason for the differences that explains the choice of a "+" or a "0". screen shot 2014-02-24 at 8 23 30 pm screen shot 2014-02-24 at 8 23 17 pm

When a paragraph is mouse-overed and does have comments, safari and chrome will show the number of comments... screen shot 2014-02-24 at 8 25 11 pm ... but Firefox will show a "+", both before the comment window is opened, and after it is opened. Before: screen shot 2014-02-24 at 8 27 28 pm After: screen shot 2014-02-24 at 8 24 34 pm

tsi commented 10 years ago

The '0' issue might be simply related to your settings on your disqus app admin page, look for Comment Count > Zero Comments, mine is set to '+'. Seems like your other problems are around the loadDisqusCounter() function. I'm simply giving Disqus's count.js a second to load but there should be a better way to know it is ready.