tsightler / ring-mqtt

Ring devices to MQTT Bridge
MIT License
569 stars 103 forks source link

Mqtt not finding ring alarm and smart lighting #733

Closed Trevor46 closed 11 months ago

Trevor46 commented 11 months ago

!!!! Important !!!!

For general assistance using this project please review the Q&A Discussion group and, if your question is unanswered there, please post there first. If you believe your issue is more complex than a simple Q&A then you can open an issue here but be sure to follow the guidelines below:

A note regarding camera support

The ring-mqtt project does not magically turn Ring cameras into a CCTV camera suitable for 24x7 streaming. Ring cameras are designed to work with Ring cloud servers for on-demand streaming based on detected events (motion/ding) or interactive viewing. Even when using ring-mqtt, all streaming still goes through Ring cloud servers and is not local. Using this project for continuous streaming is not a supported use case and attempts to do so will almost certainly end in disappointment. Any support cases opened for issues with continuous streaming (i.e. more than one streaming session back-to-back) will be closed as unsupported. This includes use with NVR tools like Frigate or motionEye.

Please read before opening a request for assistance

This is a community project and opening a request for assistance indicates that you are prepared to interact as a community member. This does not mean that I expect you to be a developer or a super tech guru, but you must at least be willing to put some time and effort into helping me understand your environment, answer questions, provide logs, and do so in a reasonably timely manner. In general I will do my best to help whenever I can, but I answer these issues on my own personal time and my effort to do so will largely be commensurate to the effort that you put in. I'm sorry for being so blunt, but recently, the number of people that have opened requests with a single sentence, or open an issue and then never respond to any request for additional information, has grown to the point that it really makes working on this project less than enjoyable, and that puts the entire project at risk.

I don't want to discourage users from opening a request for assistance if they have a problem, and I promise that, if proper effort is made, I will do my best to meet that effort, assuming available time. Please remember that I am not associated with Ring in any way, other than the fact that I own some of their products, I can't help you solve problems with your Ring devices and I can't do anything about their limitations, I suffer with those limitations just like you do. The goal of this project is simply to make it as easy as possible to integrate the features of Ring products with the home automation platform of your choice.

Describe the problem

A clear and concise description of the problem with which you need assistance. Please enter a brief summary of the problem in the title above as well.

Describe your environment

Please include details on your enviornment, including OS versions, platform, etc. For standard installs including NodeJS, rtsp-simple-server and mosquitto clients versions is highly recommended.

Describe any steps you've taken to attempt to resolve the problem

Please make sure to share you configuration settings (other than sensitive information like token, etc) and anything you have done to attempt to solve the problem to this point.

Debug Logs

For most issue the only effective method for me to see what is happening is to review the logs. Without this, I'll mostly just be guessing at the problem. If you are not willing to provide logs when opening an issue, then please do NOT open an issue, use discussions instead. If you are opening a support request, please run the script with DEBUG=ring-* enabled (note this is enabled by default for the addon and Docker versions) and collect logs. Logs will likely contain potentially sensitive information so you probably do not want to post them publicly on Github, which I certainly understand. Please feel free to send the logs, or a link to download them, to my personal email address, which is the same username at gmail and be sure to reference the open issue by number or link.

Trevor46 commented 11 months ago

Again thank you very much for your help and patience