tsivinsky / hi-mom

Say hi to your mom BLAZINGLY FAST
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Say Hi to other people's moms #5

Open mrFunkyWisdom opened 2 years ago

mrFunkyWisdom commented 2 years ago

It would be cool too support the feature to BLAZINGLY FAST say Hi to other people's moms too if needed :P

I can work on this issue if @tsivinsky don't mind

tsivinsky commented 2 years ago

if you want, feel free to do it :)

peterfritz commented 2 years ago

It's not ideal, but you can specify who's mom it is in motherName as a temporary fix:

console.log(hiMom("Jason's mom")); // Hi, Jason's mom!

And it's even multilingual:

console.log(hiMom("mãe do João", "pt")); // Oi, mãe do João!