tskit-dev / tsinfer

Infer a tree sequence from genetic variation data.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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"Empty alleles must be at the end" error for 1000G VCFs #884

Open hyanwong opened 8 months ago

hyanwong commented 8 months ago

E.g. using the new SGKit pipeline (files from http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/gbdb/hg19/1000Genomes/phase3/). I think we should allow reading of these files by default.

from sgkit.io.vcf import vcf_to_zarr
import sgkit as sg
import tsinfer
import numpy as np

from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
with ProgressBar():
        fields = ["INFO/AA", "FORMAT/GT"],  # saves the AA field for ancestral alleles into variant_AA 
# load and specify the ancestral allele for tsinfer
ds = sg.load_dataset("output.zarr")

ancestral = np.char.partition(ds.variant_AA.astype(str), sep="|")
ds.update({'variant_ancestral_allele': ancestral[:,0]})
# Append only the new variables to the existing dataset (
sg.save_dataset(ds.drop_vars(set(ds.data_vars)- {"variant_ancestral_allele"}), "output.zarr", mode="a")

sd = tsinfer.SgkitSampleData(path="output.zarr")

ts = tsinfer.infer(sd)
--> 486 generator.add_sites(exclude_positions)
    487 ancestor_data = generator.run()
    488 for timestamp, record in sample_data.provenances():

File ~/mambaforge/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tsinfer/inference.py:1080, in AncestorsGenerator.add_sites(self, exclude_positions)
   1078 progress = self.progress_monitor.get("ga_add_sites", self.max_sites)
   1079 inference_site_id = []
-> 1080 for variant in self.sample_data.variants(recode_ancestral=True):
   1081     # If there's missing data the last allele is None
   1082     num_alleles = len(variant.alleles) - int(variant.alleles[-1] is None)
   1084     counts = allele_counts(variant.genotypes)

File ~/mambaforge/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tsinfer/formats.py:2604, in SgkitSampleData.variants(self, sites, recode_ancestral)
   2602 if allele != b"" and allele != "":
   2603     if empty_seen:
-> 2604         raise ValueError("Empty alleles must be at the end")
   2605     non_empty_alleles.append(allele)
   2606 else:

ValueError: Empty alleles must be at the end
hyanwong commented 8 months ago

This seems to be a site at pos 9412076 where alleles = ('CTT', 'C', '', ''), but where the ancestral allele is ''. This is a reasonable value for an ancestral allele, I suppose (ancestral for a deletion)