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Create folder fro Email templates #118

Open jacebenson opened 2 years ago

jacebenson commented 2 years ago

Email should use brand from the site settings. Keep in mind that someday multiple brands might be at play here.

jacebenson commented 2 years ago

Create a folder ./api/emails for email messages. Messages should contain a string template, and some incomfing variables e.g. sender, recipient, send-to, brand, Create a folder ./api/brands for branding. Brands should contain the wrapping html for messages, and their color shceme, text, etc. Create a build task to copy ./api/src/brands/default.js to ./web/src/brand.js and import it into ./web/src/App.js for use on Chakra Provider. Add ./web/src/brands/* to .gitignore

jacebenson commented 2 years ago

Created ./api/emails Created a testEmails function to test this. This should probably be disabled, but it can render the "template" for the one email until then here. https://demo.tskr.io/.netlify/functions/testEmail

This doesn't help the idea of "brands". A brands folder still needs to be created or included in ./api/src/emails/ brands will likely just be literal strings built from data on the web-side.

Next actions.

jacebenson commented 2 years ago

Updated the "forgot password" email but failed at the subject... update the subject future self.