tslittle / tiffanymaster

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Angular Providers: Should not show text in entry fields #13

Open tslittle opened 3 years ago

tslittle commented 3 years ago


tslittle commented 3 years ago


In the Angular fm-editor, it defines what should be shown as placeholder text. Can you modify that per modal, or do you just currently auto-inherit that and that's the end of it? I'm looking at bug 1906862 again and want to confirm that I haven't just missed it somewhere that you can do that.

13:21 pinesol Launchpad bug 1906862 in Evergreen "Angular Providers: Should not show text in entry fields" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1906862 14:00 berick the placeholders hard coded.  i could imagine a feature that disables placeholders, though, and/or lets you specify them 14:04 thanks! When I was poking around earlier, I was pondering whether that would be something that you could do through the fm-editor TS file, kind of like how you can specify fieldorder. Even if it was just "show placeholders"=yes/no. 14:05 yep, .ts and the .html file.  could add a @Input() hidePlaceholders = false then avoid adding them in the html if the value is true 14:07 Oh neat! Maybe I'll take a crack at that. :)  berick++