tsparticles / svelte

Svelte tsParticles official plugin
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Unable to have particles appear in Svelte Website #25

Closed ABansal11 closed 10 months ago

ABansal11 commented 10 months ago

@matteobruni I am trying to implement the particles in a Svelte website. I have simply used the code from this repo in the app.svelte file. However, I have not been able to have the particles appear on the localhost server.

I am relatively new to this, so it may be an easy fix. I unfortunately could not find anything to make it work after many attempts.

My JS code is as follows:

  import Particles from "svelte-particles";
  import { loadSlim } from "tsparticles-slim"; 

  let particlesConfig = {
        particles: {
            color: {
                value: "#000",
            links: {
                enable: true,
                color: "#000",
            move: {
                enable: true,
            number: {
                value: 100,
            shape: {
              type: 'circle'
            size: {
              value: {
                min: 1,
                max: 5

        fullScreen: {
          enable: true,
          zIndex: 0
    let onParticlesLoaded = event => {
        const particlesContainer = event.detail.particles;

    let particlesInit = async engine => {
        await loadSlim(engine);

I place the HTML code as so:

         class="foo bar"
matteobruni commented 10 months ago

Are you using SSR? Try this: https://github.com/tsparticles/svelte#ssr Are you using SvelteKit? Try this: https://github.com/tsparticles/svelte#sveltekit

If none of these, please provide a repo using CodeSandbox

ABansal11 commented 10 months ago

@matteobruni I got the following error after restarting and trying to open the website in live view again: I am not using SvelteKit or SSR

[!](plugin svelte) ParseError: Unexpected token node_modules\svelte-particles\src\Particles.svelte 3: <script lang="ts"> 4: import { afterUpdate, createEventDispatcher, onDestroy } from "svelte"; 5: import type { ISourceOptions } from "tsparticles-engine"; ^ 6: import { tsParticles } from "tsparticles-engine"; 7: ParseError: Unexpected token at error (C:\svelte-tut\CHSwebdev.io\node_modules\svelte\src\compiler\utils\error.ts:25:16) at Parser$1.error (C:\svelte-tut\CHSwebdev.io\node_modules\svelte\src\compiler\parse\index.ts:105:3) at Parser$1.acorn_error (C:\svelte-tut\CHSwebdev.io\node_modules\svelte\src\compiler\parse\index.ts:98:8) at Object.read_script [as read] (C:\svelte-tut\CHSwebdev.io\node_modules\svelte\src\compiler\parse\read\script.ts:43:10) at tag (C:\svelte-tut\CHSwebdev.io\node_modules\svelte\src\compiler\parse\state\tag.ts:211:27) at new Parser$1 (C:\svelte-tut\CHSwebdev.io\node_modules\svelte\src\compiler\parse\index.ts:57:12) at parse (C:\svelte-tut\CHSwebdev.io\node_modules\svelte\src\compiler\parse\index.ts:230:17) at compile (C:\svelte-tut\CHSwebdev.io\node_modules\svelte\src\compiler\compile\index.ts:122:14) at Object.transform (C:\svelte-tut\CHSwebdev.io\node_modules\rollup-plugin-svelte\index.js:111:21) at C:\svelte-tut\CHSwebdev.io\node_modules\rollup\dist\shared\rollup.js:22795:37

matteobruni commented 10 months ago

Ok it's a TypeScript error, try this: https://github.com/tsparticles/svelte#typescript-errors

ABansal11 commented 10 months ago

@matteobruni Thanks for help so far. I tried the TypeScript fix, but did not work. I believe reason for this is that the mentioned steps are for SvelteKit projects only.

matteobruni commented 10 months ago

I've tried using the instructions from the Svelte Website, using Vite and not SvelteKit, and everything worked as expected.

I've run this commands: https://svelte.dev/docs/introduction#start-a-new-project-alternatives-to-sveltekit

And installed svelte-particles and tsparticles, added the code from the readme of this repository using tsparticles instead of tsparticles-slim (but it doesn't matter) and it worked.

I need more details on your configuration. I think something is missing on your side.

ABansal11 commented 10 months ago

As you previously requested, I have put the code into a repo using CodeSandbox. I hope that can help.

Repo Link

matteobruni commented 10 months ago

As you previously requested, I have put the code into a repo using CodeSandbox. I hope that can help.

Repo Link

Project not found

ABansal11 commented 10 months ago

Please try this:

Repo link

matteobruni commented 10 months ago

Ok there’s a section in the svelte website for that: https://svelte.dev/docs/typescript#setup-other-build-tools

try this and let me know

ABansal11 commented 10 months ago

Yes thanks it worked.