tsparticles / svelte

Svelte tsParticles official plugin
MIT License
41 stars 4 forks source link

Release new tsparticles/svelte version to npm #59

Closed Solcany closed 3 weeks ago

Solcany commented 1 month ago

Please publish a new tsparticles/svelte version to npm with PR #55 included (the pr fixed a breaking sveltekit bug).

I tried installing the latest unpublished version directly via yarn add https://github.com/tsparticles/svelte however this creates @tsparticles/svelte-workspace dependancy which breaks my app when trying import Particles, { particlesInit } from "@tsparticles/svelte-workspace";

Thank you for your time

Solcany commented 3 weeks ago

@matteobruni any estimate on this? I would like to use the plugin in the production version of my app