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Are the related posts working for you? #2

Open ndubbaka opened 8 years ago

ndubbaka commented 8 years ago

I am trying to setup additional sculpin bundles in my project and noticed you are using bundles in your project. But I don't see the related posts block & when I install your project I get this error.

Missing Sculpin Bundles:
  * Tsphethean\Sculpin\Bundle\RelatedPostsBundle\SculpinRelatedPostsBundle
$ php sculpin.phar install
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies from lock file
  - Installing kriswallsmith/assetic (v1.1.2)
    Down    Downloading: 100% 

  - Installing robloach/component-installer (0.0.12)
    Down    Downloading: 100% 

  - Installing components/jquery (1.9.1)
    Loading from cache

  - Installing components/bootstrap (2.3.2)
    Loading from cache

  - Installing components/highlightjs (7.3.0)
    Loading from cache

  - Installing tsphethean/sculpin-related-posts-bundle (dev-master 7398139)
    Cloning 7398139c3a5c5d407436d385e58b1cf2fe7ac84b

Generating autoload files
Compiling component files

Missing Sculpin Bundles:
  * Tsphethean\Sculpin\Bundle\RelatedPostsBundle\SculpinRelatedPostsBundle
ndubbaka commented 8 years ago

Found out that missing bundles error only occurs in the case of

If You Need Sculpin
curl -O https://download.sculpin.io/sculpin.phar
php sculpin.phar install
php sculpin.phar generate --watch --server

If I install sculpin globally using https://sculpin.io/download/ then there's no issue. Related posts show up.