tspopp / AquaMQTT

Monitor and control your Groupe Atlantic (Explorer, Aquawin,...) heat pump using MQTT
Apache License 2.0
13 stars 4 forks source link

Not issue but feedback #14

Closed scoudibou closed 4 months ago

scoudibou commented 4 months ago

Hello @tspopp ,

Just to tell you I've received my PCB today and installed it on Atlantic Explorer V4 and it's working pretty well. Thank you!

I've a bit changed the MQTT config you gave me to make a unique device in Home Assistant and had 2 PV control switches :

    - name: "Heating Element"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/main/stateElement"
      payload_on: "1"
      payload_off: "0"
      icon: mdi:heating-coil
      unique_id: atlantic_state_heatelement
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Heatpump"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/main/stateHeatpump"
      payload_on: "1"
      payload_off: "0"
      icon: mdi:heat-pump-outline
      unique_id: atlantic_state_heatpump
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Fan"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/main/stateFan"
      payload_on: "1"
      payload_off: "0"
      icon: mdi:fan
      unique_id: atlantic_state_fan
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "External Boiler"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/main/stateExtBoiler"
      payload_on: "1"
      payload_off: "0"
      icon: mdi:water-boiler
      unique_id: atlantic_state_extboiler
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Defrost"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/main/stateDefrost"
      payload_on: "1"
      payload_off: "0"
      icon: mdi:snowflake-melt
      unique_id: atlantic_state_defrost
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Température actuelle"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/main/waterTemp"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      state_class: measurement
      unique_id: atlantic_state_watertemp
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Température cible"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/hmi/waterTempTarget"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      unique_id: atlantic_state_watertemp_target
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Température entrée d'air"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/main/supplyAirTemp"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      state_class: measurement
      unique_id: atlantic_state_supplyair_temp
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Température air évaporé"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/main/evaporatorAirTemp"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      state_class: measurement
      unique_id: atlantic_state_evaporatorair_temp
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Température air évaporé bas"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/main/evaporatorAirTempLower"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      state_class: measurement
      unique_id: atlantic_state_evaporatorair_temp_lower
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Heures totales"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/energy/totalHours"
      unit_of_measurement: "h"
      state_class: total
      unique_id: atlantic_state_total_hours
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Heures Résistance"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/energy/totalHeatingElemHours"
      unit_of_measurement: "h"
      state_class: total
      unique_id: atlantic_state_total_heatelement_hours
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Heures Pompe à chaleur"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/energy/totalHeatpumpHours"
      unit_of_measurement: "h"
      state_class: total
      unique_id: atlantic_state_total_heatpump_hours
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Total Energy"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/energy/totalEnergyWh"
      unit_of_measurement: "Wh"
      device_class: energy
      state_class: total
      unique_id: atlantic_state_total_energy
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Power Consumed Heatpump"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/energy/powerHeatpump"
      unit_of_measurement: "W"
      device_class: power
      state_class: measurement
      unique_id: atlantic_state_power_heatpump
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Power Consumed Heating Element"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/energy/powerHeatingElem"
      unit_of_measurement: "W"
      device_class: power
      state_class: measurement
      unique_id: atlantic_state_power_heatelement
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Power Consumed Total"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/energy/powerTotal"
      unit_of_measurement: "W"
      device_class: power
      state_class: measurement
      unique_id: atlantic_state_power_total
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Operation Mode"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/hmi/operationMode"
      unique_id: atlantic_state_operationmode
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Operation Type"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/hmi/operationType"
      unique_id: atlantic_state_operationtype
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Date"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/hmi/date"
      unique_id: atlantic_state_date
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Time"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/hmi/time"
      unique_id: atlantic_state_time
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Fan Speed"
      unit_of_measurement: "rpm"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/main/fanSpeed"
      unique_id: atlantic_state_fanspeed
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Active Overrides"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/stats/activeOverrides"
      unique_id: atlantic_state_activeoverrides
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Override Mode"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/stats/overrideMode"
      unique_id: atlantic_state_overridemode
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Timer Window A"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/hmi/timerWindowA"
      unique_id: atlantic_state_time_windowa
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Timer Window B"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/hmi/timerWindowB"
      unique_id: atlantic_state_time_windowb
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "BOOST"
      command_topic: "aquamqtt/ctrl/operationMode"
      payload_press: "BOOST"
      qos: 0
      retain: false
      unique_id: atlantic_ctrl_operationmode_boost
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "MAN ECO OFF"
      command_topic: "aquamqtt/ctrl/operationMode"
      payload_press: "MAN ECO OFF"
      qos: 0
      retain: false
      unique_id: atlantic_ctrl_operationmode_eco
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "ABSENCE"
      command_topic: "aquamqtt/ctrl/operationMode"
      payload_press: "ABSENCE"
      qos: 0
      retain: false
      unique_id: atlantic_ctrl_operationmode_absence
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "RESET"
      command_topic: "aquamqtt/ctrl/reset"
      payload_press: ""
      qos: 0
      retain: false
      unique_id: atlantic_ctrl_reset
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "Target Temperature"
      state_topic: aquamqtt/hmi/waterTempTarget
      command_topic: aquamqtt/ctrl/waterTempTarget
      min: 40
      max: 62
      step: 1
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      unique_id: atlantic_ctrl_watertemp_target
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "PV Mode Pompe à chaleur"
      command_topic: "aquamqtt/ctrl/flagPVModeHeatPump"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/stats/flagPVModeHeatPump"
      payload_on: "1"
      payload_off: "0"
      unique_id: atlantic_ctrl_pvmode_heatpump
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1
    - name: "PV Mode Résistance"
      command_topic: "aquamqtt/ctrl/flagPVModeHeatElement"
      state_topic: "aquamqtt/stats/flagPVModeHeatElement"
      payload_on: "1"
      payload_off: "0"
      unique_id: atlantic_ctrl_pvmode_heatelement
        identifiers: AquaMQTT
        manufacturer: tspopp
        name: AquaMQTT 
        model: V1

I have to think how to optimize the usage of the boiler now :)..


tspopp commented 4 months ago

Wow, this issue made my day 🥳 🍷. Very happy to see somebody else adopting this project and even testing it successfully against a different branded heatpump 🤩. Kudos! Btw, I think this was very fast, you've received the PCB today, soldered, flashed, installed, tested... Well done.

I need to update the main README, to make some comment regarding the Atlantic Explorer V4 😄

Regarding the config you have sent, I think I will put it within this repo soon. Of course, you are free to submit a PR as well, if you like. But before merging, I'd like to figure out how homeassistant handles localization. I think I can provide de, en ... and I've seen some fr in your config? ;)


scoudibou commented 4 months ago

I will add some control, like operation mode.. missing stuffs that you have documented in mqtt.md. If you need help to translate in french I'll be glad to do it.

scoudibou commented 4 months ago