tspurway / hustle

A column oriented, embarrassingly distributed relational event database.
240 stars 36 forks source link

Exception: Error opening environment: No such file or directory #62

Closed mmitkevich closed 8 years ago

mmitkevich commented 9 years ago

Have problem with db path when running version from git

cd /home/mike/github/hustle
DISCO_ROOT=/home/mike/github/disco bin/hustle
>>> pixels = Table.create('pixels',
      columns=['index string token', 'index uint8 isActive', 'index site_id', 'uint32 amount',
               'index int32 account_id', 'index city', 'index trie16 state', 'index int16 metro',
               'string ip', 'lz4 keyword', 'index string date'],      partition='date',      force=True)
>>> insert(pixels,streams=[[{'token':'a'}]],decoder=lambda d:d)
>>> select(pixels.token,where=pixels)


>>> select(pixels.token,where=pixels)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/mike/github/hustle/hustle/__init__.py", line 586, in select
    blobs = job.wait()
  File "/home/mike/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/disco/core.py", line 369, in wait
    timeout, poll_interval * 1000)
  File "/home/mike/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/disco/core.py", line 329, in check_results
    raise JobError(Job(name=jobname, master=self), "Status {0}".format(status))
JobError: Job select_from_pixels@59f:b7b65:10962 failed: Status dead

with following logs in master

22:35:24.928 [info] Job select_from_pixels@59f:b7ad7:dcb05 failed: <<"Traceback (most recent call last):
  File \"/home/mike/github/disco/root/data/localhost/5d/select_from_pixels@59f:b7ad7:dcb05/home/mike/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/disco/worker/__init__.py\", line 345, in main
    job.worker.start(task, job, **jobargs)
  File \"/home/mike/github/disco/root/data/localhost/5d/select_from_pixels@59f:b7ad7:dcb05/home/mike/github/hustle/hustle/core/pipeworker.py\", line 203, in start
    self.run(task, job, **jobargs)
  File \"/home/mike/github/disco/root/data/localhost/5d/select_from_pixels@59f:b7ad7:dcb05/home/mike/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/disco/worker/pipeline/worker.py\", line 228, in run
    self.run_stage(task, stage, params)
  File \"/home/mike/github/disco/root/data/localhost/5d/select_from_pixels@59f:b7ad7:dcb05/home/mike/github/hustle/hustle/core/pipeworker.py\", line 254, in run_stage
    stage.process(interface, state, label, inp, task)
  File \"/home/mike/github/hustle/hustle/core/pipeline.py\", line 516, in process_restrict
    for key, value in islice(inp, 0, limit):
  File \"/home/mike/github/disco/root/data/localhost/5d/select_from_pixels@59f:b7ad7:dcb05/home/mike/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/disco/worker/__init__.py\", line 582, in __iter__
    for item in iter:
  File \"/home/mike/github/disco/root/data/localhost/5d/select_from_pixels@59f:b7ad7:dcb05/home/mike/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/disco/worker/__init__.py\", line 538, in next
    self.last, item = next(self.iter)
  File \"/home/mike/github/hustle/hustle/core/pipeline.py\", line 123, in hustle_input_stream
    otab = MarbleStream(fle)
  File \"/home/mike/github/hustle/hustle/core/marble.py\", line 566, in __init__
    self.marble = Marble.from_file(local_file)
  File \"/home/mike/github/hustle/hustle/core/marble.py\", line 175, in from_file
  File \"/db.pyx\", line 2210, in mdb.mdb_read_handle (liblmdb/db.c:36219)
  File \"/db.pyx\", line 252, in mdb.Env.__init__ (liblmdb/db.c:5167)
Exception: Error opening environment: No such file or directory

After some debugging I see wrong file in hustle_inpiut_stream, see screen shot below fle=u'/home/mike/github/disco/root/data/mike/github/disco/root/ddfs/vol0/blob/f7/hustleuq5Uwn$59f-b190d-b6730'

It has '/mike/github' twice. This is some bug in util.localize function or my misconfiguration I can't figure out exactly.


Could you please advice what I did wrong?

mmitkevich commented 9 years ago

After a bit more debugging I commented localhost support in disco/util.py and it worked like a charm.

def urlsplit(url, localhost=None, disco_port=None, **kwargs):
    scheme, rest = schemesplit(url)
    locstr, path = rest.split('/', 1)  if '/' in rest else (rest ,'')
    if scheme == 'tag':
        if not path:
            path, locstr = locstr, ''
        disco_port = disco_port or str(DiscoSettings()['DISCO_PORT'])
        host, port = netloc.parse(locstr)
        if scheme == 'disco' or port == disco_port:
            #if localhost == True or locstr == localhost:
            #    scheme = 'file'
            #    locstr = ''
            #    path = localize(path, **kwargs)
            #elif scheme == 'disco':
                scheme = 'http'
                locstr = '{0}:{1}'.format(host, disco_port)
    return scheme, netloc.parse(locstr), path

It seems this code doesn't support file://long/path/to/disco/home situation...

Any comments?

oldmantaiter commented 9 years ago

@mmitkevich What version of disco are you running locally?

mmitkevich commented 9 years ago


~/github/disco$ git describe


oldmantaiter commented 9 years ago

Thanks, it appears that util.localize is combining the data home and the ddfs home. I'll take a look into it.

oldmantaiter commented 9 years ago

Could you post your disco configuration as well?

mmitkevich commented 9 years ago
~/github/disco$ cat root/disco_8989.config 

Not sure which exactly files you want....

oldmantaiter commented 9 years ago

Looking for the settings.py file that the disco cluster would read when it starts

mmitkevich commented 9 years ago

~/github/disco/root/data/localhost/e9/select_from_pixels@59f:c6413:4e2eb/home/mike/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/disco$ cat settings.py

:mod:`disco.settings` -- Disco Settings

Settings can be specified in a Python file and/or using environment variables.
Settings specified in environment variables override those stored in a file.
The default settings are intended to make it easy to get Disco running on a single node.
:command:`make install` will create a more reasonable settings file for a cluster environment,
and put it in ``/etc/disco/settings.py``

Disco looks in the following places for a settings file:

        - The settings file specified using the command line utility
          ``--settings`` option.
        - ``~/.disco``
        - ``/etc/disco/settings.py``

Possible settings for Disco are as follows:

        .. envvar:: DISCO_DATA

                Directory to use for writing data.
                Default obtained using ``os.path.join(DISCO_ROOT, data)``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_DEBUG

                Sets the debugging level for Disco.
                Default is ``1``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_ERLANG

                Command used to launch Erlang on all nodes in the cluster.
                Default usually ``erl``, but depends on the OS.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_EVENTS

                If set, events are logged to `stdout`.
                If set to ``json``, events will be written as JSON strings.
                If set to ``nocolor``, ANSI color escape sequences will not be used, even if the terminal supports it.
                Default is unset (the empty string).

        .. envvar:: DISCO_FLAGS

                Default is the empty string.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_HOME

                The directory which Disco runs out of.
                If you run Disco out of the source directory,
                you shouldn't need to change this.
                If you use ``make install`` to install Disco,
                it will be set properly for you in ``/etc/disco/settings.py``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_HTTPD

                Command used to launch `lighttpd`.
                Default is ``lighttpd``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_MASTER_HOME

                Directory containing the Disco ``master`` directory.
                Default is obtained using ``os.path.join(DISCO_HOME, 'master')``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_MASTER_HOST

                The hostname of the master.
                Default obtained using ``socket.gethostname()``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_MASTER_ROOT

                Directory to use for writing master data.
                Default obtained using ``os.path.join(DISCO_DATA, '_%s' % DISCO_NAME)``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_MASTER_CONFIG

                Directory to use for writing cluster configuration.
                Default obtained using ``os.path.join(DISCO_ROOT, '%s.config' % DISCO_NAME)``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_NAME

                A unique name for the Disco cluster.
                Default obtained using ``'disco_%s' % DISCO_PORT``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_LOG_DIR

                Directory where log-files are created.
                The same path is used for all nodes in the cluster.
                Default is obtained using ``os.path.join(DISCO_ROOT, 'log')``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_PID_DIR

                Directory where pid-files are created.
                The same path is used for all nodes in the cluster.
                Default is obtained using ``os.path.join(DISCO_ROOT, 'run')``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_PORT

                The port the workers use for `HTTP` communication.
                Default is ``8989``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_ROOT

                Root directory for Disco-written data and metadata.
                Default is obtained using ``os.path.join(DISCO_HOME, 'root')``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_ROTATE_LOG

                Whether to rotate the master log on startup.
                Default is ``False``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_USER

                The user Disco should run as.
                Default obtained using ``os.getenv(LOGNAME)``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_JOB_OWNER

                User name shown on the job status page for the user who
                submitted the job.
                Default is the login name @ host.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_WWW_ROOT

                Directory that is the document root for the master `HTTP` server.
                Default obtained using ``os.path.join(DISCO_MASTER_HOME, www)``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_GC_AFTER

                How long to wait before garbage collecting job-generated intermediate and result data.
                Only results explictly saved to DDFS won't be garbage collected.
                Default is ``100 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60`` (100 years).  (Note that this setting does not affect data in DDFS.)

        .. envvar:: DISCO_PROFILE

                Whether Disco should start profiling applications and send profiling data to
                a graphite server.

        .. envvar:: GRAPHITE_HOST
                If DISCO_PROFILE is set, then some performance data from Disco
                will be sent to the graphite host.  The default is localhost.
                We are assuming that the listening port is the default graphite

        .. envvar:: SYSTEMD_ENABLED

                This adds -noshell to the erlang process. It provides compatibility for running
                disco using a non-forking process type in the service definition.

        .. envvar:: DATA_GC_INTERVAL

                How long to wait before garbage collecting purged job data.
                Default is ``12`` (hours).

        .. envvar:: DISCO_WORKER_MAX_MEM

                How much memory can be used by worker in total. Worker calls `resource.setrlimit(RLIMIT_AS, limit) <http://docs.python.org/library/resource.html#resource.setrlimit>`_ to set the limit when it starts. Can be either a percentage of total available memory or an exact number of bytes. Note that ``setrlimit`` behaves differently on Linux and Mac OS X, see *man setrlimit* for more information. Default is ``80%`` i.e. 80% of the total available memory.

Settings to control the proxying behavior:

        .. envvar:: DISCO_PROXY_ENABLED

                If set, enable proxying through the master.  This is a master-side setting (set in ``master:/etc/disco/settings.py``).
                Default is ``''``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_PROXY

                The address of the proxy to use on the client side.  This is in the format ``http://<proxy-host>:<proxy-port>``, where ``<proxy-port>`` normally matches the value of ``DISCO_PROXY_PORT`` set on the master.

                Default is ``''``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_PROXY_PORT

                The port the master proxy should run on.  This is master-side setting (set in ``master:/etc/disco/settings.py``).
                Default is ``8999``.

Settings to control the scheduler behavior:

        .. envvar:: DISCO_SCHEDULER

                The type of scheduler that disco should use.
                The only options are `fair` and `fifo`.
                Default is ``fair``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_SCHEDULER_ALPHA

                Parameter controlling how much the ``fair`` scheduler punishes long-running jobs vs. short ones.
                Default is .001 and should usually not need to be changed.

Settings used by the testing environment:

        .. envvar:: DISCO_TEST_DISCODB

                Whether or not to run :mod:`discodb` tests.
                Default is ``''``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_TEST_HOST

                The hostname that the test data server should bind on.
                Default is ``DISCO_MASTER_HOST``.

        .. envvar:: DISCO_TEST_PORT

                The port that the test data server should bind to.
                Default is ``9444``.

Settings used by DDFS:

        .. envvar:: DDFS_ROOT

                .. deprecated:: 0.4

                Use :envvar:`DDFS_DATA` instead.
                Only provided as a default for backwards compatability.
                Default is obtained using ``os.path.join(DISCO_ROOT, 'ddfs')``.

        .. envvar:: DDFS_DATA

                The root data directory for DDFS.
                Default is obtained using ``DDFS_ROOT``.

        .. envvar:: DDFS_PUT_PORT

                The port to use for writing to DDFS nodes.
                Must be open to the Disco client unless proxying is used.
                Default is ``8990``.

        .. envvar:: DDFS_PUT_MAX

                The maximum default number of retries for a `PUT` operation.
                Default is ``3``.

        .. envvar:: DDFS_GET_MAX

                The maximum default number of retries for a `GET` operation.
                Default is ``3``.

        .. envvar:: DDFS_READ_TOKEN

                The default read authorization token to use.
                Default is ``None``.

        .. envvar:: DDFS_WRITE_TOKEN

                The default write authorization token to use.
                Default is ``None``.

        .. envvar:: DDFS_GC_INITIAL_WAIT

                The amount of time to wait after startup before running GC (in minutes).
                Default is ``''``, which triggers an internal default of 5 minutes.

        .. envvar:: DDFS_GC_BALANCE_THRESHOLD
                The distance a node's disk utilization can be from the average
                disk utilization of the cluster before the node is considered
                to be over-utilized or under-utilized.  Default is ``0.1``.

        .. envvar:: DDFS_PARANOID_DELETE

                Instead of deleting unneeded files, DDFS garbage collector prefixes obsolete files with ``!trash.``, so they can be safely verified/deleted by an external process. For instance, the following command can be used to finally delete the files (assuming that ``DDFS_DATA = "/srv/disco/ddfs"``)::

                    find /srv/disco/ddfs/ -perm 600 -iname '!trash*' -exec rm {} \;

                Default is ``''``.

The following settings are used by DDFS to determine the number of replicas for data/metadata to keep
(it is not recommended to use the provided defaults in a multinode cluster):

        .. envvar:: DDFS_TAG_MIN_REPLICAS

                The minimum number of replicas for a tag operation to succeed.
                Default is ``1``.

        .. envvar:: DDFS_TAG_REPLICAS

                The number of replicas of tags that DDFS should aspire to keep.
                Default is ``1``.

        .. envvar:: DDFS_BLOB_REPLICAS

                The number of replicas of blobs that DDFS should aspire to keep.
                Default is ``1``.

        .. envvar:: DDFS_SPACE_AWARE

                Whether DDFS should take the amount of free space in the nodes
                into account when choosing the nodes to write to.  Default is

        .. envvar:: DDFS_ABSOLUTE_SPACE

                Only effective in the space-aware mode.
                If set, the nodes with the higher absolute free space will be
                given precedence for hosting replicas.  If unset, the nodes with
                the highest ratio of the free space to the total space will be
                given precedence for hosting the replicas.
import os, socket, pwd

from clx.settings import Settings

class DiscoSettings(Settings):
    defaults = {
        'DISCO_DATA':            "os.path.join(DISCO_ROOT, 'data')",
        'DISCO_DEBUG':           "'off'",
        'DISCO_ERLANG':          "guess_erlang()",
        'DISCO_EVENTS':          "''",
        'DISCO_FLAGS':           "''",
        'DISCO_HOME':            "guess_home()",
        'DISCO_HTTPD':           "'lighttpd -f $DISCO_PROXY_CONFIG'",
        'DISCO_MASTER':          "'http://%s:%s' % (DISCO_MASTER_HOST, DISCO_PORT)",
        'DISCO_MASTER_HOME':     "os.path.join(DISCO_HOME, 'master')",
        'DISCO_MASTER_HOST':     "socket.gethostname()",
        'DISCO_MASTER_ROOT':     "os.path.join(DISCO_DATA, '_%s' % DISCO_NAME)",
        'DISCO_MASTER_CONFIG':   "os.path.join(DISCO_ROOT, '%s.config' % DISCO_NAME)",
        'DISCO_NAME':            "'disco_%s' % DISCO_PORT",
        'DISCO_LOG_DIR':         "os.path.join(DISCO_ROOT, 'log')",
        'DISCO_PID_DIR':         "os.path.join(DISCO_ROOT, 'run')",
        'DISCO_PORT':            "8989",
        'DISCO_ROOT':            "os.path.join(DISCO_HOME, 'root')",
        'DISCO_ROTATE_LOG':      "False",
        'DISCO_SETTINGS_FILE':   "guess_settings()",
        'DISCO_WORKER_MAX_MEM':  "'80%'",
        'DISCO_ULIMIT':          "16000000",
        'DISCO_USER':            "os.getenv('LOGNAME')",
        'DISCO_JOB_OWNER':       "job_owner()",
        'DISCO_WWW_ROOT':        "os.path.join(DISCO_MASTER_HOME, 'www')",
        'DATA_GC_INTERVAL':      "12",
# GC
        'DISCO_GC_AFTER':        "100 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60",
        'DISCO_PROFILE':         "'False'",
        'GRAPHITE_HOST':         "'localhost'",
        'SYSTEMD_ENABLED':       "False",
        'DISCO_PROXY_ENABLED':   "''",
        'DISCO_PROXY':           "''",
        'DISCO_PROXY_PORT':      "8999",
        'DISCO_PROXY_PID':       "os.path.join(DISCO_ROOT, '%s-proxy.pid' % DISCO_NAME)",
        'DISCO_PROXY_CONFIG':    "os.path.join(DISCO_ROOT, '%s-proxy.conf' % DISCO_NAME)",
        'DISCO_SCHEDULER':       "'fair'",
        'DISCO_SCHEDULER_ALPHA': ".001",
        'DISCO_TEST_DISCODB':    "''",
        'DISCO_TEST_HOST':       "socket.gethostname()",
        'DISCO_TEST_PORT':       "9444",
        'DISCO_TEST_PROFILE':    "''",
        'DISCO_TEST_PURGE':      "'purge'",
        'DDFS_SPACE_AWARE':      "''",
        'DDFS_ABSOLUTE_SPACE':   "''",
        'DDFS_ROOT':             "os.path.join(DISCO_ROOT, 'ddfs')",
        'DDFS_DATA':             "DDFS_ROOT",
        'DDFS_PUT_PORT':         "8990",
        'DDFS_PUT_MAX':          "3",
        'DDFS_GET_MAX':          "3",
        'DDFS_READ_TOKEN':       "None",
        'DDFS_WRITE_TOKEN':      "None",
        'DDFS_TAG_MIN_REPLICAS': "1",
        'DDFS_TAG_REPLICAS':     "1",
        'DDFS_BLOB_REPLICAS':    "1",
        'DDFS_PARANOID_DELETE':  "''",
        'DDFS_GC_INITIAL_WAIT':  "''",

    globals = globals()

    must_exist = ('DISCO_DATA',

    settings_file_var = 'DISCO_SETTINGS_FILE'

    def ensuredirs(self):
        for name in self.must_exist:
        config = self['DISCO_MASTER_CONFIG']
            import multiprocessing
            nCpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
            nCpus = 1

        if not os.path.exists(config):
            open(config, 'w').write('[["localhost","{}"]]'.format(nCpus))

def job_owner():
    return "%s@%s" % (pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name,

def guess_erlang():
    if os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin' and int(os.uname()[2].split('.')[0]) < 14:
        return '/usr/libexec/StartupItemContext erl'
    return 'erl'

def guess_home():
    from disco.error import DiscoError
    from disco.fileutils import get_valid_path
    disco_lib  = os.path.dirname(get_valid_path(__file__))
    disco_home = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(disco_lib))
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(disco_home, '.disco-home')):
        return disco_home
    raise DiscoError("DISCO_HOME is not specified, where should Disco live?")

def guess_settings():
    for settings_file in (os.path.expanduser('~/.disco'),
        if os.path.exists(settings_file):
            return settings_file
    return ''
oldmantaiter commented 9 years ago

Sorry, should have been clearer - is there a configuration file that you have written to /etc/disco/settings.py? Or are you using environment variables to configure the disco cluster before starting.

mmitkevich commented 9 years ago

I have no /etc/disco at all I start disco running cd ~/github/disco export DISCO_HOME=/home/mike/github/disco bin/disco nodaemon

oldmantaiter commented 9 years ago

Ok, thanks. The strange part about commenting out that section is that it does not appear (after some quick local testing) that that conditional will be hit. The scheme in this case is file and localhost is not set to True when calling.

Could you send me the output of ddfs blobs <HUSTLE TAG NAME>? This might be a disco issue.

mmitkevich commented 9 years ago
mike@bukake:~/github/disco/bin$ ./ddfs blobs hustle:pixels