tststs / atom-ternjs

JavaScript code intelligence for atom with tern.js and autocomplete-plus
MIT License
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tern server gets slow and heavy over time #280

Open TitanNano opened 7 years ago

TitanNano commented 7 years ago

When I start atom the suggestions appear fast and I have no delay. But after maybe one or two hours of coding the delay between I stop to type and the suggestions appear grows longer and longer.

Often the "Atom Helper" process which runs the tern server also grows up to 1 GB RAM and often requires a big amount of the CPU.

If I kill the tern server process and then restart it or completely restart Atom everything is snappy again.

michaeljonathanblack commented 7 years ago

I've been seeing a generic error about "call stack exceeded" which triggers a server restart since installing atom-ternjs. It does seem like optimizations are in order.

tststs commented 7 years ago

The pending requests grow over time. Some requests never receive a message from the server. The next release will includes an option to configure the max amount of pending requests until a server restart is automatically triggered.

tststs commented 7 years ago

You had time to test the latest version of the package? Does it perform better, the same or even worse then before?


TitanNano commented 7 years ago

@tststs well I didn't have any issues since the update. I think it performs better than before.

crdil commented 7 years ago

I've been experiencing high CPU usage over time running latest version on linux. I need to restart atom to make it go away.