tsujan / Kvantum

A Linux SVG-based theme engine for Qt and KDE
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Adapta theme. #146

Closed ghost closed 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago


Could you consider creating matching themes for Adapta?

Thank you!

tsujan commented 7 years ago

As for "could", yes! As for the time needed for that, I'm currently very busy with other projects, especially LXQt. So, it's just a matter of finding some free time.

ghost commented 7 years ago

LXQt is certainly more relevant than a specific theme.

Thank you! 👍

tsujan commented 7 years ago

You're welcome!

I'll ask you to test it whenever I make the first version of "KvAdapta".

tsujan commented 7 years ago

I started to make it little by little. It needs a few small modifications to Kvantum, so it might take a while, but so far so good:


ghost commented 7 years ago

Nice! Thanks for your work and time.

There is also a request on Adapta for a KDE theme.

tsujan commented 7 years ago

There is also a request on Adapta for a KDE theme.

Some plasma theme matching it should be possible but KDE is too focused on Breeze and Breeze is so elementary: you can't even change the color of its window decoration, let alone make it translucent. In the above screenshot, I've used Emerald with Compiz under LXQt.

tsujan commented 7 years ago

KvAdapta is now included in and depends on the latest git Kvantum (which comes with lots of subtle fixes). It matches and is inspired by the Adapta GTK theme but isn't a clone of it.

I'm not fond of flat themes with sharp corners but I like this one; maybe because of its uncomplicated look :) Moreover, it revealed several tiny bugs, which are fixed now. Thanks for the idea!

Although I'm using KvAdapta, I'd be very grateful if you test it and tell me if you encounter any problem.

Please also note that the Breeze titlebar isn't suitable for this theme. I use Aurorae (can't include it in Kvantum) or Emerald+Compiz but have added an Openbox theme.

Will make a dark variant (KvAdaptaDark) later.

tsujan commented 7 years ago

If you test it, please note that all toolbar/menubar texts should be readable (have enough contrast with their background), like in this screenshot (Audacious-qt5):


ghost commented 7 years ago

Hi! That was pretty fast.

I will update to "master" today and test it. The titlebar is not a issue for me since a I use bspwm/i3, without them.

Thanks million!

ghost commented 7 years ago


It seem to be working fine***: https://ibb.co/d6NSGk

The only problem I had was indeed updating the FreeBSD port to use master still does not include KvAdapta, I downloaded it manually. I shall investigate that...

*** for some reason github is having issues with the image.

tsujan commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! Please note that KvAdapta needs the latest Kvantum; with an older version, you might see weird things ;)

for some reason github is having issues with the image.

Strange! I've never encountered that. Maybe it's because of the browser. It should be OK with Firefox, Chromium and QupZilla (if identified as Firefox).

I leave this tracker open until I make KvAdaptaDark.

ghost commented 7 years ago

I built using the last commit ( 392d098 ).

I am using Firefox, however heavily tweaked. One of those tweaks could be breaking something.


ceyhunn commented 7 years ago

Hi @tsujan , What about Adapta dark variant, eta variant and button ripple effect? Any plan for these?

tsujan commented 7 years ago

@ceyhunnabiyev I'll make a dark variant as soon as I have less life problems and more free time -- that's the reason why I haven't closed this tracker yet. Please also note that KvAdapta is not a clone of Adapta but matches it pretty well.

I have no plan to make an "eta" variant. Actually, I don't like copying GTK themes in Kvantum. Yes, I've done so for a few well-known GTK themes and might do it again in future but my preferred themes are those that are more original (like KvCurves3d, KvFlatLight, KvSimplicity,...). However, I pay attention to users' preferences too.

Kvantum has state-change and transient scrollbar animations but no "ripple effect". I don't have a plan to add one yet but who knows what might happen in future? ;)

tsujan commented 7 years ago

@lebarondemerde I've noticed that you use FreeBSD; don't you? I'd be very grateful if you report any problem Kvantum may have on BSD systems because I don't have one. Thanks in advance!

ceyhunn commented 7 years ago

@tsujan, thanks for your answer, but most of themes has variant for small resolution(laptops).

tsujan commented 7 years ago

@ceyhunnabiyev I tested Adapta-eta right now and saw no difference except for smaller sizes. That's a piece of cake in Kvatum but I really don't think it's worth adding three kinds of Adapta, one of which just with smaller sizes.

How important is it to you? What's the resolution of your laptop's monitor?

tsujan commented 7 years ago

Moreover, I think KvAdapta is already "eta" because I haven't used the large sizes of Adapta in it.

ceyhunn commented 7 years ago

@tsujan , Ok , no problem. Thanks for Great Work .

tsujan commented 7 years ago

You're welcome! I checked again: KvAdapta is really "eta" ;) I don't like themes that waste the space too much.

ceyhunn commented 7 years ago

I pleasantly wait dark variant..

ghost commented 7 years ago


Yes, I am on FreeBSD. No problems here so far, however I am an i3/bspwm user and so I do not have too many graphic programs. I mean I may miss some detail eventually.

About the KvAdapta variants, since the differences seem to be just some theme "scaling", eventually it could be added into the "Configure Active Theme" section, if possible.


tsujan commented 7 years ago

@lebarondemerde Good to know that Kvantum has no problem on FreeBSD :) I had FreeBSD on VirtualBox but lost its virtual hard.

eventually it could be added into the "Configure Active Theme" section

Kvantum Manager includes only those keys that usually don't ruin the look of a theme when changed. Frame sizes and margins aren't safe to change in this regard.

Anyhow, as I said above, most of the themes that come with Kvantum don't waste the available space and, in that sense, are "eta".

varlesh commented 7 years ago

I modify :) image

tsujan commented 7 years ago

You made a titlebar? It's nice.

varlesh commented 7 years ago

Yes :) I try made plasma theme (if it possible, because buttons rendered very specific on plasmashell)

tsujan commented 7 years ago

Recently, I was completing the "inactive" state in Kvantum (which is like the "fallback" mode in GTK) and might add some "inactiveness" to KvAdapta.

tsujan commented 7 years ago

@varlesh Why are the toolbar normal icons pale in your screenshot (which is elegant, BTW)? Does it have something to do with your icon theme?

varlesh commented 7 years ago

No, it's kvantum draw colors for icons. Papirus use another colors. I'm upload theme later... when finish all

tsujan commented 7 years ago

How is that possible?! Except for selection tinting, I put no code for coloring icons in Kvantum. It should be KDE. Here, under LXQt, all toolbar (symbolic) icons are white.

I'm very curious to know how that happens.

tsujan commented 7 years ago

Found the cause: when text.normal.color under [Toolbar] is the same as window.text.color, those icons are colored accordingly.

However, that color isn't appropriate for window texts, IMO.

tsujan commented 7 years ago

A short explanation about why it's impossible to set the color of symbolic icons in the style plugin:

Both KDE and LXQt use the application window text color for symbolic icons when their background is near the window color and use the inverse of that color (plus a highlight tint) when the background has a high contrast with the window color. If they used the widget's window text color, there would be a way to color symbolic icons in Kvantum. However, the icon engine knows nothing about widgets; hence it can only use the application window text color.

varlesh commented 7 years ago

@tsujan It's possible use shadow hint for toolbar widget? image I'm enlarge bottom area and change color to window plus add shadow, but it's not good looking with konsole: image Also if bottom ID change to transparent and add shadow, anyway used window background...

tsujan commented 7 years ago

No, shadow doesn't have any meaning for toolbars. That shadow-like part is just toolbar's bottom element. The window background is always for the whole window, including its toolbar.

Konsole's look is related to Konsole itself. For example, if its background was light, it would look differently. You don't need to worry about specific apps like Konsole.

tsujan commented 7 years ago

BTW, if you increase toolbar bottom frame size -- as you did above -- the extra size will be added in all directions -- top, right and left too. Toolbar is an exception in this regard.

varlesh commented 7 years ago

Ok... i'm refused from this idea, not good looking

tsujan commented 7 years ago

GTK large gaps and borders don't look good in GTK either, IMO. They waste some space too. Ubuntu has had a better idea with its theme called Ambiance. Contrary to most GTK themes, Ambiance doesn't waste space.

varlesh commented 7 years ago

yes with global menu Unity very comphortable for small screens

varlesh commented 7 years ago

@tsujan https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/adapta-kde Now only aurorae & kvantum... Later i try make plasma theme

varlesh commented 7 years ago

preview: image

varlesh commented 7 years ago

My bold fonts shit on nvidia... i know this :) ~/.Xresources:

Xft.dpi:       96
Xft.antialias: true
Xft.hinting:   true
Xft.autohint:  false
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault
Xft.rgba:      rgb

But bold font anyway looking ugly

tsujan commented 7 years ago

Good but, IMHO, the toolbar bottom frame size is too big, which makes all of its frame sizes -- and also those of menubar (because menubar and toolbar are merged together) -- become too big. I think that thick shadow on the bottom isn't worth those big frames.. but tastes differ.

varlesh commented 7 years ago

I'm not solve this... maybe remove shadow or not. Need think about that.

tsujan commented 7 years ago

Qt doesn't allow different top and bottom frame sizes for toolbars; hence the big toolbar+menubar in your screennshot.

tsujan commented 7 years ago

@varlesh If you like that thick shadow under the toolbar in your Adapta version, you could set merge_menubar_with_toolbar to false and handle the menubar separately in it.

tsujan commented 7 years ago

Added KvAdaptaDark (might modify it later). Also added yet another workaround for bad app design (like in Kate).

I think any decoration made for KvAdapta should work with KvAdaptaDark too.

I close this but please add comments here if there's any problem.

@varlesh If you put your Kvantum themes inside GTK folders, you could put the dark variants alongside the light ones inside the light folder -- actually, you could always do so, with or without GTK. For example, if you make a modified version of KvAdaptaDark, you could put its SVG and kvconfig file in the theme folder of KvAdapta. This is a new feature and, although I've tested it, it may need more tests. Of course, your users should have a relatively recent git Kvantum for that to work.

tsujan commented 7 years ago

I've added the following info to the doc but I repeat it here with an example:

Supposing that your active Kvantum is KvAdapta, you could call the dark variant, KvAdaptaDark, by running an app with:

APP -style kvantum-dark

Or with exporting the environment variable first:

export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=kvantum-dark

This might be useful in GTK DEs.

tsujan commented 7 years ago

With KvAdapta, some apps (terminal, video playes,...) can be assigned to KvAdpataDark by Kvantum Manager. The result looks nice:
