tsunamayo / Skywanderers-Pathfinder-Group-Build

Skywanderers Pathfinder Group Build
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Corvette - Corsair #15

Open Vasillo opened 4 years ago

Vasillo commented 4 years ago

A 52-meter corvette I am working on. It follows a specific style of which I've set out for my faction idea. I've got a really crude mockup on paper of all the basic shapes to follow. The first vehicle I have actually made in-game is the Corsair, which is a heavy-duty strike corvette, which will feature 4 Close defence guns mounted in the rear and two main guns near the front fins.

The empty space in the middle, as with all other ships with split designs, can be used for either cargo or other transport requirements, or as a foundation to attach more weaponry if needed.

The whole style of this faction revolves around two concepts; speed and shields. ships bigger than a fighter, but smaller than frigates will have either some sort of split down the middle (either from the front, which the cockpit would be rearwards or vice versa.) Prominent features from this faction are engine nacelles, and wings or spoilers or some kind of aerodynamic bit that sets them apart from other vehicles.

Below is the first iteration of the Corsair, please keep in mind that it is very rough, and is missing all of the finer details I have planned for it, including the interior. A schematic will be provided once I've added more in general. 711980_20200206225811_1 711980_20200206230832_1

Below are the aforementioned crude drawings I drew so I have an idea to go off of. 20200206_232241

Please let me know what you think, I'm very passionate about the idea of this game and am very excited to create content for the game.