tsunamayo / Skywanderers-Pathfinder-Group-Build

Skywanderers Pathfinder Group Build
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Corvette - Lynx #20

Open Dwarf-LordPangolin opened 4 years ago

Dwarf-LordPangolin commented 4 years ago

Not sure you need more ships, but I started making another set on the basis that it's better to have too many rather than too few. This is a different style than the other fleet; these aren't meant to be streamlined and sleek, but instead be more heavy and durable looking. Once we get the planned weight rebalance you mentioned, I plan to redo the internals to make its performance match its looks.

Has landing gear, boarding elevator, etc. Also took your guidance and made the turret logic local; much less painful that way! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Let me know if you want me to make more ships in this style.


Lynx - v1.zip