tsunamayo / Starship-EVO-Backers-Ships

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Question about child entities (especially on large ships) #11

Open nokturnihs opened 4 years ago

nokturnihs commented 4 years ago

So a question regarding child entities on all our ship submissions: What's a reasonable amount? Especially on the larger craft? For example, my planned 100m ship is going to basically be a cruise liner (think Carnival cruise ship) - I'm planning on minimizing some entities using your pre-build doors but still have some significant use of hinges/rotors/slide rails in mind (specifically the hangar and garage doors)

On another note, and speaking of doors... any chance we can get force fields or "disappearing blocks" to compliment those other child entities? Something like that could significantly reduce the child entity counts on some builds... (for example reduces a two-part folding hangar door to one).

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

Sorry I am only seeing this now. So I didnt not wanted to give a number, because either if I give a low number people will be mad, and if I give a higher number people would think well then it is okay to use that much. Use the less you can, thats it! If you have some hangar, landing gear or else in mind, please do! What I dont really like to see is people use a massive amount of child entity to do curved surface, for decoration... Also yes please use the builtin door for interior / non hangar door. A two part hangar is totally fine! And yes I would like force field for hangar, to get air tightness when that come in. If I give a 16x16 square force field that would be easy for me, but I guess people would find this too small and two restrictive... I did a post on that the other day but didnt got too much traction.

nokturnihs commented 4 years ago

Can you have force fields next to other force fields work together? Like the rail add-ons? Even if you need to use a "force field add-on/extension" block to determine connection that's be great! It's also allow for more build dynamism if people could say take the add-on blocks to make non-square/rectangle shapes - for example making a 16x16 but with four add-ons that are say 8x2 on each side, making kind of a star shape. That could be pretty interesting, but I'm not sure how hard that's be for you... the slide-rail add-ons works great so if that can be used for force-fields, might be easier as it works in a similar manner. I've been working on my 100m cruise ship and have the garages and hangars roughed out so... :)

One other question that may be absolutely out of it, but as it kinda relates to force-fields.... I'm planning on putting swimming pools in... any chance for "decorative" water blocks with no collision (or "hologram blocks with translucency?) Sorry if this is off topic... :) thanks in advance!

nokturnihs commented 4 years ago

Umm... so one other thing on force-fields and "holograms" - players could just use hologram blocks for their hangars/force fields too - if there's no collision involved (just color and shape) then people could just "fly through" them. For RP purposes they're "atmospheric shields" - aka they keep in oxygen, not objects. Just a thought if that's easier to work out code-wise. Could also be used for smaller blocks as decorations (like displays, wall holos, station advertisement signs, etc.

nokturnihs commented 4 years ago

sorry, verbal Kent with the questions... do you use on the backend a tag system? Example: large hull (tags: collision, hull, air tightness, heat dispersal), Large Reactor (tags: collision, air tightness, heat generation, power generation, etc). ??? If you don't, would it make it easier to add new blocks/systems via templates in that way? For example, taking the "look" glass, reducing translucency and adding the tags from say the reactor template to create solar panel blocks? I'm just curious on the geek side now. Ignore me if I'm pestering you too much. :)

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

Not sure about water... But swimming pool is definitely something I would like to see ;) Yes I still need to think moer about force field... I could use a simple block that represent the field itself, or a border block that would spawn the field... The addon one seems more complex. I guess people would want to activate the field or not? I dont really have tags but a bunch of attribute yes. For how it looks it is using shaders, so there are combination that will work and some that wont... Shader side is very complex actually...

nokturnihs commented 4 years ago

If we can get a hologram block (something translucent with no collision) that would work in a pinch. As for the cruise ship... Gonna try and put in a mini-golf course and a tennis Court as well... Working on it slowly (big ships take a LONG time to make ATM...