tsunamayo / Starship-EVO-Backers-Ships

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Work in Progress - Kuroshio #14

Open Dwarf-LordPangolin opened 4 years ago

Dwarf-LordPangolin commented 4 years ago

Here's some WIP screenshots of another ship; this will be my 100m civilian ship. It's meant to be a freighter; when the cargo system comes along I'll refit it as-needed to accommodate that.






The aft has a large cargo bay with a ramp: 20200516144332_1


It doesn't do anything yet, but a small crane can come out through the hatch when the door is open to help with loading: 20200516144537_1

Crane operator station with a window into the cargo bay. Two sliders control the crane: 20200516145625_1

One of two crew cabins. 20200516145651_1

The ship is narrow enough that a lot of the rooms would be cramped if they were fully enclosed, so I decided to put the mess area off the main hallway sort of like a yatai stall. 20200516145702_1

When we get medical blocks this will be the infirmary: 20200516145708_1

This is the airlock room with the main boarding ladder going down behind that rail; thank you for making those scale on the .25m grid, they're much better now! 20200516145735_1

Computer room for logic: 20200516145746_1

Cockpit is here: 20200516145751_1

This has a much more enclosed feeling than the Mistral; I wanted it to feel like the cab of a space truck: 20200516145757_1

Still working on this, need to finish the interior up and do a bit more detail on the exterior. :)

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

It looks amazing as usual! Now I dont know when you think this will be ready, but if you could send me a wip! 1) I am starting to spawn ship around, as it is a bigger civilian I am interested in that 2) also I am looking forward to your hanger bay. It is time for me to work on ship in ship - I could use this ship to test. 3) also I am interested in that crane. I will do some kind of mag-lock system, not sure exactly how, but this is the kind of feature I would like to deal with, so perfect timing! If we could pick a small ship/hovercraft, then move it inside the the ship that would be amazing. And potential unlrelease it inside the bay and have another lock in the bay. Cheers

Dwarf-LordPangolin commented 4 years ago

Of course! Here is the blueprint so far:

Kuroshio - WIP.zip

  1. Sounds awesome! Can't wait to see stuff spawning.
  2. Go for it; it might be a bit small for that though, since it was meant to hold cargo and ground vehicles. Ships might be too small to fit in there.
  3. I made the crane after you mentioned the maglock system; a finished crane would be able to go down and up, this one can only go back and forth and side to side. I would love to see that kind of thing for vehicles stored in the bay.

Edit: accidentally hit the Close button, sorry about that!

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

so I also wanted to add a telescoping arm like this: https://www.scrapmechanic.com/media/1120/pistons.png?width=1114px&height=789px would be a perfect fit for the up/down. I wanted that to make easier landing gear for noob like me.

Dwarf-LordPangolin commented 4 years ago

Something like that would be perfect, and would have a lot of uses!