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[Corporate Mogul - 100m Civilian Ship] Kuroshio #21

Open Dwarf-LordPangolin opened 4 years ago

Dwarf-LordPangolin commented 4 years ago

TIER: Corporate Mogul CODE: 6EM0L-M76C5-N3R5Z NAME: Kuroshio BLUEPRINT: Kuroshio.zip


Background The Kuroshio is a 100m freighter built by Ariskaya Aerospace Manufacturing. Although the Kuroshio is built along broadly similar lines to AAM's military designs, the shipwrights opted for a less-sleek design than usual, allowing them to maximize the vessel's storage capacity. The result is an unremarkable but dependable mid-range freighter.

The Kuroshio is a general purpose freighter, capable of carrying both loose bulk cargo and larger items. Bulk cargo is stored in one of four holds in the forward section of the hull. Large items that cannot be accomodated by the bulk storage system can instead be loaded into the freighter's aft hold. A ramp allows for roll-on/roll-off loading; if this is inadequate, a small crane can be extended between the ship's engines beyond the ramp to lift cargo into the aft hold.

The crew accomodations are simple but comfortable. Two bunk rooms can host four crewmembers each, for a crew complement of eight; if hot racking is implemented, more crew can be housed when needed. The galley and mess have the standard range of amenities, and a rec room gives crew a place to socialize and relax. More active crews will sometimes use empty space in the aft hold for various sports.

About AAM Ariskaya Aerospace Manufacturing (AAM) is a small shipwright company that manufactures craft for a variety of consumers. Although headquartered on the eponymous frozen ocean-world of Ariskaya, the corporation maintains a number of manufacturing stations throughout the galaxy, which fabricate both components for their ships as well as whole vessels. AAM's designs are known for their high speed and compact design.




Dwarf-LordPangolin commented 4 years ago

Note: something change in the latest patch, and the forward ladder is no longer extending. Going to see what's causing this.

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

It looks phenomenal, I like how it is a bit less sleek and more bulky as being a civilian compared to your other build. Hangar is fantastic, and there is so much great detail out there!