tsunamayo / Starship-EVO-Backers-Ships

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[BUILD] Chained Ettin - Prisoner Transport Vessel (Use if you want) #23

Open nokturnihs opened 4 years ago

nokturnihs commented 4 years ago

Note to @tsunamayo - I know earlier you were looking for different ships for testing, AI, etc- well, I figured you'd want all kinds of ships, trading vessels, pirates, military ships, figured maybe you'd want a prison transport ship. This is also a multi-crew ship and RP friendly. The screenshots got a little jumbled in the upload but I also created custom handheld weapons, including riot shields and flashlights for the ship. Use it for AI or testing, whatever you want, if not, maybe enjoy taking a peek anyway. Just thought you might enjoy and if you're sick of me submitting these, PLEASE let me know.

### Sales Brochure PPSE Chained Ettin It's a Tough Galaxy. No doubt about it. Whether your local system uses the "traditional" government run prison system or the more contentious private penal system, you need to move your prisoners from time to time - well, the Chained Ettin is for you. Featuring twin target-tracking tri-laser turrets and the absolutely deadly Skrapper:tm: Multi-barrel blaster turret operated from the gunner station, would-be rescuers and pirates aren't going to be interested in beings in your lockup. Complete surveillance systems, a docking collar for the occasional link up with other vessels or some stations, a full kitchen and personal hygiene facilities, you really couldn't ask for more - but we threw in a robust shield system and reinforced hulls to make sure you and your living cargo have a steady and secure journey.

Order yours today and don't forget to ask about our special government rates! Private Prison system? We've got you covered too with discounts for large orders! We even have leasing options!

Ship Details: Crew: 2-8 Armaments: 2 Auto-target tri-laser Turrets, 1 Skrapper:tm: Manned Turret (chain blaster/heavy multi-blaster) Prisoner Transport: 16.

PPSE Chained Ettin Prison Transport.zip

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