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Cassette - Single Occupancy Warp Shuttle. #26

Open jasonfogleman opened 2 years ago

jasonfogleman commented 2 years ago

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2751896458 Cassette Class Warp Shuttle.zip

The Cassette Class Warp Shuttle includes the following features:

While the shuttle is armed with a pair of fixed beams and minimally shielded. These armaments and defense serve as deterrents.

The Cassette is only a match for larger ships in the hands of very skilled pilots. Please do not make a casket of your Cassette.

Rigged for Normal Flight image

Weapons Deployed image

Light Thrusters Deployed image

Landing Gear Deployed image

Cockpit Opened image

Logic Access image

Ship Info image image