tsunamayo / Starship-EVO-Backers-Ships

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Work in Progress: Mistral #6

Closed Dwarf-LordPangolin closed 4 years ago

Dwarf-LordPangolin commented 4 years ago

You said you wanted some WIP shots, so here some are! This is the civilian shuttle I'm making, called the Mistral (link to the namesake, if curious). The exterior is mostly done (just need to put landing gear in the underside), so I thought I'd put some pictures of it up.




The underside's a bit bland right now; along with adding the gear & finishing the interior, this is on my to-do list. 20200429020715_1

A couple shots of the WIP interior: 20200429020808_1


Hopefully going to be finished with this in the next couple of days! 20200429013745_1

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

It looks really amazing! Cant wait to put it in the game, now that the landing gear are fixed. Yes I know mistral well (I guess every french knows it), thats a great name, I think we had a jetfigther named like that. The volume and detail are really fantastique ;) I need to fix the canopy though...