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Suggestion Chaff/flares for lock-on missile countermeasure (Smaller craft) #1561

Open ExodistSKY1 opened 4 years ago

ExodistSKY1 commented 4 years ago

My idea is each chaff launch would attract a set amount of missiles during its allotted time.

ALLOTTED TIME PER CHAFF: -launch chaff -.5 seconds to take affect -lasts for 2 seconds -If missile was not destroyed it will continue towards intended target

 This will allow for a window of opportunity the player will need to pay attention to in order to use the chaff efficiently. 

 You will have to use the chaff at the right time, using the chaff too early and the missile just locks back on 
 to you when the chaff disappears. Using the chaff too late (within the time it takes to take affect) and the missile will hit its intended target.

CHARGES/AMMO PER CHAFF SYSTEM (Brick): Chaff system if implemented should have a set amount of charges/ammo and then to rearm you would need to re-dock with the carrier or shipyard/station of which the time frame it takes to rearm would depend on how many charges you dispensed. (Re-arming could be used with other weapon systems to?)

POWER/BALANCING TO NOT MAKE OP: With each consecutive launch the power required to fire is doubled... making at most 6 (I am just throwing a number in here) launches possible before your power system stalls and the pursuer having free reign while your systems take the time to reboot

STOPPING PLAYERS FROM CHEATING THE SYSTEM: If you placed another launcher mid combat or within the time limit, it would not matter as that new launcher does not have any charges as it has not been in a docking bay to arm/re-arm yet. (This would stop players from trying to spam the Chaff brick to get an advantage)


 -Fighters/bombers/etc will have to return to ships to rearm

 -Carriers are more useful

 -It would make the battle-space far more dynamic if implemented

 -gives smaller craft a counter to Lock-on missiles (as opposed to just adding anti missile turrets) would look ugly in most cases      

ZachZent commented 4 years ago

This is especially important when missiles will pass through shields. Small ships need defense just the same as large ships and I think it would be silly if you had to put small point defense turrets on a small fighter. Don't want the inevitable tracking missiles becoming too over powered.

ExodistSKY1 commented 4 years ago

20200115002739_1 Instrument A could work really well for the Chaff model!

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

Okay thanks for this interesting suggestion, indeed some sort of counter measure will be needed once I add back missiles! I keep it warm for when I work on this ;) . Cheers!