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[Bug..?] Turrets ignore logic #1834

Open SabreMania opened 4 years ago

SabreMania commented 4 years ago

Lots of issues with turrets today/yesterday

But regardless, this thread adresses logic and turrets. I have a setup on my ship's turrets that makes you fire one of your guns before the other, which gives a cinematic aspect to your guns firing. However, despite trying every possible method with the way you wire up a turret, I have not been able to make the AI use that logic. It just fires all of the guns on the turret at once.


Steps to reproduce the issue:

Make a delay gate that activates whenever you fire the first gun on your turret. Link it up to the second gun with the fire command, so that it shoots one gun at a time, and then fires the other one a second later.

Then make the turret into an AI, and link up only the 'Master' gun to it, leaving the 'Slave' gun disconnected. The AI will fire both guns anyway.



tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

Hum, things is laser are signal based, once it is on target the turret will send 1. Then the gun fire as soon as it could. There is no impulse on fire, laser stays at 1 continuously (if on target).

SabreMania commented 4 years ago

I thought of that possibility, and tested my logic system with a Switch-type button, so instead of holding it down to fire it just continuously fires as soon as it can. The logic still works.

But in no case does it work if the turret is manned by an AI

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

Okay I will have a look at that.