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[Wanted - Build Contest] Some fancy building #1847

Open tsunamayo opened 4 years ago

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

Okay so now that we have terrain in latest 20w17d, I would like to share some nice building and use some of it for a starting zone. I will ask something a bit more specific for the starting zone (tutorial, ect), so for now it is just for ambiance! You can use inspiration from some of our concept art, or do something that you like.



tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

Ps - if you start working on this, please share some WIP! I might as well show some wip on some social media, it dont have to be 100% perfect... It is a bit hard for me to announce a feature without anything to show...

Alkaliii commented 4 years ago

I shall attempt to build something Starship EVO 2020-04-25 4_59_04 PM

image ^^ This one would probably be a good restaurant ^^

Question: do you want us to paint these?

alxnns1 commented 4 years ago

20200425141310_1 Should we post WIP screenshots here?

Xerma commented 4 years ago

I know the image states for there to be a 4m margin around the building but would it be fine for there to be small decorations around the base so long as they don't stick out? I also want to make sure that it's alright if we have the upper sections of building extend a little bit out as well as it can add some variety in the contrast of buildings. Obviously we won't want them to stick out super far.

WIP Shop Building Thing: 20200425153811_1

ZachZent commented 4 years ago

Military base/landing zone. Made by ZachZent, Majikmonster, abdulucthuluzulu, Xenoprophet_Nail, Tezlz.

Not complete*

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

Whoa some cool stuff over here! Yes if you could paint it - the way you want it is not important for now. @Xerma yes you dont have to respect this 100%, it was just guide really! Thanks a lot all!

alxnns1 commented 4 years ago

20200425175703_1 A nice copper and dark red colour scheme, how important are interiors? Should they be fully detailed or are simple rooms enough?

ExodistSKY1 commented 4 years ago

20200426015802_1 20200426023306_1 20200426142020_1 20200426150033_1 20200426151944_1 20200426181835_1 20200426191152_1 20200426194232_1

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

Okay pretty cool build everybody! @alxnns1 no no detailed interior, but some clean looking room with some space. I might want to put some tutorial inside! Thanks

ultrak2k commented 4 years ago

20200428200427_1 20200428172858_1 A factory-industrial building I'm making, gonna be big (WIP)

Citronix commented 4 years ago

A small (20x21x20) gas station 711980_20200428103004_1 There's a small landing pad on the roof. 711980_20200428102732_1 Interiore with a pastery store, vending machine and more ! 711980_20200427161404_1 The gas pumps

Majikmonster commented 4 years ago

A couple city-themed apartments, both using an 8x8 footprint on a 16x16 base. 20200428114940_1 20200428115807_1 Works in progress. Minimal interior layout.

YnotnA commented 4 years ago

UPDATE : WIP : Interior and details

image image image image image image image image

UPDATE : image

LINK : Starniverse.zip

Citronix commented 4 years ago

WIP : Housing apartement (curently only one bedroom) 711980_20200428203121_1 Outside view 711980_20200428202513_1 2nd Floor Bedroom 711980_20200428195942_1 Bed 711980_20200428201522_1 Computer 711980_20200428172241_1 1rst Floor

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

okay very cool all! @alxnns1 @YnotnA @Xerma @Citronix @ZachZent @ultrak2k @Aiwii @ExodistSKY1 if you could give me some blueprint, so I can make a post of the steam page - and also do a devlog! Thanks

YnotnA commented 4 years ago

@tsunamayo Starniverse.zip

Citronix commented 4 years ago

Here the finished gas station. I'm still working on the house/hotel. Gas Station mk1.zip

ExodistSKY1 commented 4 years ago

The Energy harvester/Reactor I have been working on. Power Reactor.zip

alxnns1 commented 4 years ago

My country house Country House.zip

Alkaliii commented 4 years ago

My two buildings BuildingOne.zip Building Two.zip

hl2shadowslayer commented 4 years ago

Here's the military fortress the Evo Network community has been working on. (Had to upload it on Zach's behalf because he's having github issues) Fortress.zip

Majikmonster commented 4 years ago

Does this mean the build contest is over? It isn't entirely clear what marks the end of it from the initial post.

Womble-TC commented 4 years ago

Yeah, I'm also working on something, are you still accepting submissions?

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

Hello, thanks to all! Nothing is really over, you can still continue to submit build! @Womble-TC okay if you would like to build a building (...), what could be of great use to me is a tutorial room building, very much like the old one if you recal it! No heavy detailling, wall / floor use hull block. Cheers

Womble-TC commented 4 years ago

yup, I remember the old one, I should be able to make something similar.

capncereal commented 4 years ago


Apartment/hotel style building WIP. far from complete image

lobby image

same lobby image

another lobby angle image

mostly practical/compact studio-apartment style dwellings image

windows frosted on the lower levels for some privacy image

simple full-bathroom image

Servomotor commented 4 years ago

HOLY COW...there are some amazing works here. Makes me feel embarrassed with my sub.


Country House

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

@Servomotor very very sweet build and detailling! @capncereal looking good so far!