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[Suggestion] Bring Back Middle Click Align to Entity #2373

Closed Alkaliii closed 3 years ago

Alkaliii commented 4 years ago

Short Description of the suggestion:

Not urgent or anything. True 6dof Movement mode is great and all but the Align to entity function is quick and easy. I remember you saying you want to revamp the middle-click menu so when you do please bring back the Align to Entity function, it would be great to have alongside true 6dof. ...


tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

honestly I was not a fan of the middle click to align feature, what do you want to do, align to ship that dont have gravity?

Alkaliii commented 4 years ago

In my opinion, it helps when working on a bunch of projects in close proximity that don't have gravity and are not aligned with each other. But now that I think about it I should use gravity more

ZachZent commented 4 years ago

I agree. Not all ships have gravity, either at all or just hasn't been placed yet. It is quite annoying needing to readjust yourself each time when there was such a convenient feature. And it's survival mode friendly.

The middle click feature was very easy to use rather than needing another keybind

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

@ZachZent werent you one of the guy pushing for 6dof? I dont know a lot of people were pushing hard on me for 6dof, for that exact reason. Like being aligned was being the worst thing, when you want to work beneath your ship and so on.

ZachZent commented 4 years ago

I was not, though I'm in favor of 6dof being a movement option. I think those were mostly SE refugees which I am not one of. I do remember talking to you about movement modes and potential problems they can have, but that was in a different context (one I'm using for a different idea in the works)

But that being said, 6dof and alignment aren't incompatible. In fact they are quite useful together. Even with 6dof, it is virtually to impossible to perfectly align yourself back to an upright position without a grav gen. Chances are you will be a little to the left/right/forward/backwards. Moreover to do so, you need to tab into the codex, then movement modes, select 6dof, align yourself, again tab into the codex, again tab into movement modes, then anti-grav. Quite a lot of steps where a simple middle click and align will solve the problem and work well in survival as well as creative.

Actually, I could see the movement modes moving or being copied to the middle click menu. There are currently five middle click options. Two are being used for paint and quick block selection. There are a total of four movement modes. three if you remove jetpack which will probably be an item for an equipment slot rather than a movement mode in the future. You are in a movement mode and the other two are on the middle click menu. This still leaves one space open, even though I'd suggest expanding the middle click menu whenever something can be added to it (though no more than eight total selections as any more and it would get confusing.)

In summary, the middle click menu is the "convenience" menu. Something the player is able to use without much thought and without much button pressing through codexs and menus. Actions that should be done with little thought and speed up building/add convenience should be added. Just like the quick select for paint and blocks.

orangep9 commented 4 years ago

I think the best option would be a key in 6dof that aligns you to the grid your looking at or if your not looking at a grid the last grid you placed an object on. Having a quick menu to change movement types would be great too.

I imagine this feature used for example so I can rotate sideways to place somthing then as Im moving back to work on something else I can quickly rotate back while moving regardless of if im facing the ship.

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

You can now selected any mode you want with the J key (for 21w03b) thanks