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[Progression Request] A couple things to make updates/content smoother. #2419

Closed nokturnihs closed 1 year ago

nokturnihs commented 4 years ago

Hope this doesn't bug you bud - These are just a couple suggestions/requests to make future power/shield/engines and ESPECIALLY blueprints and UGC (User generated content) more useful for you in your progress towards release:

These are all just opinions/observations. I'm really digging the changes/improvements you've been making bud! Keep it up!

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

I try to put in my changlelog all the change, especially breaking one too. I think I will add a little icon so people really read them. The regarding fuel, how about the opposite? Making fuel a entry level tech for survival, void reactor / thruster being more a late game kind of things? So no blueprint are squashed, fuel being more interesting for survival anyway.

nokturnihs commented 4 years ago

Love it - also Probably adds feel goods for the backers as their creations will be "top tier" in survival.

ExodistSKY1 commented 4 years ago

"Making fuel a entry level tech for survival, void reactor / thruster being more a late game kind of things"

YES! I like this! I think it is the best direction to go without making it too complicated, causing every ship to be remade, and giving a late game goal while not being too overpowered.

ProPeach commented 4 years ago

In terms of pure gameplay, I'd much prefer that all tier reactors required fuel rather than some simply not needing anything to run. Fuel is an interesting and challenging gameplay component, and is a smart way of scaling the cost of running a fleet/larger vehicle. Unless these no-fuel reactors offer a terrible power to volume/mass ratio, I think they'll make the game less fun.

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

@ProPeach and if they are made of unobtainium? A lot of people were thinking that fuel get in the way and would drive the fun out of the game...

ProPeach commented 4 years ago

Unobtainium quickly becomes obtainium past a point, diamonds are supposed to be the top tier in Minecraft but players often have hundreds very quickly. Personally I haven't seen much hate for fuel, the vast majority seem to really like the idea of different tier fuels like metallic hydrogen you mentioned that would require large amounts of energy to produce, but be very energy dense. Perhaps those people didn't like idea of very complex fuels that would require many different components for no real gain in enjoyment, but in a survival game you've got to have consumables to keep the game interesting even at the higher levels. The fuel dev asks thread on the forums was very well received, I'm not sure why you think that the player base doesn't like fuel

ExodistSKY1 commented 4 years ago

I see your point ProPeach.

Just a few quick thoughts:

-Having reactors/Thrusters have a base fuel capacity per block? Can add dedicated fuel storage to extend range -Have the end game reactor/thruster be very efficient 4x?

-I think for 6dof and normal boost the fuel should be extremely efficient but still something to worry about (how would this work with mechs?)

-OR possibly only having fuel for lightcruise (not sure what it was renamed), different fuels could be more efficient, which is a huge advantage, and will be a massive part of survival and exploration

nokturnihs commented 4 years ago

I can understand your arguments @ProPeach but need to point out a few things - there's already games with complicated fuel systems that are very similar here - space engineers and empyrion just to name a couple. Starship EVO stands out for its build system and I think that is one of the big draw factors. Grind mechanics don't actually add that much balance in most games, just time-gate content. While some people like grind, the same games offering those mechanics already exist as competitors.

And finally, accepting/requesting blueprints before forcing changes that invalidate said blueprints is discouraging and frustrating for some of those designers. It also discourages further submissions because "what will break the thing next" in beta/alpha. Those blueprints the community submits saves @tsunamayo tons of time.

Personally, I don't like (exclusively) fuel mechanics for space building games all that much. It's unnecessary grind for games that lean towards heavy grind to begin with.

I'll be up front and honest and suggest we probably need to know if @tsunamayo intends to make any changes that are gonna break our builds. I don't have so much time as to rework each one multiple times so if there are updates/changes coming that will invalidate a build, the only practical solution for me would be hold off until there's a content freeze just prior to release and then start building my submissions. I hate that idea because it screws @tsunamayo though.

nokturnihs commented 4 years ago

Just had a thought that could leave both sides of the argument happy and functional.

So fuel adds "balance" as it costs resources, storage space, etc. While I think the same balance could be achieved without fuel systems but in regards to weapons cost or repair, shield, or engine costs, there's an alternative that does what you want @ProPeach but doesn't introduce game-breaking bugs or require @tsunamayo or any builders to massively gut and rebuild their submissions.

Regardless of which tier the current reactors and engines end up becoming, add a slow decay to them, where they wear down to minimal functionality (not completely break) - this will avoid those situations where you run out of fuel on a long trip and are completely screwed (Especially in single player) or make RNG On resource acquisition especially brutal and tank a world in early game. But it does mean that these reactors and engines will require repairs over time, which will simulate the same kind of fuel balance without taking more space on small ships or requiring all submitted blueprints to be reworked from the ground up. It also adds more relevance to stations and makes stations something other than an endless resource sink as you'd need to constantly feed fuel to stations just because they exist. Mind you I'm still in favor of these "fuelless" units being low tier to help with early game and having fuel consuming units be more powerful and offer better ratios for things like heat, energy consumption/production or efficiency modifiers to connected systems like thrusters and shields but that's my take.

If you ever played empyrion a few years ago, getting a seed where you weren't lucky enough to get decent fuel veins or any fuel veins, it sucked. And both space engineers and empyrion are so incredibly Grind I don't play them because it takes hours to accomplish anything in single player (which is where I play).

Battlepixel commented 4 years ago

I agree with nok. I personally would find a tank system terribly unnecessary and cumbersome. There are really many good ways to keep long-term motivation high for Starshipevo, but a repetitive gameplay element like refueling is definitely not one of them for me.

There are so many other not too difficult to implement content that would bring tons of motivation and challenges in the lategame and that are not contained in any other competing game. There is so much competition in space survival games. Players who are keen on micromanagement are sure to have heard of Starbase even if they are not playing SE or Empyrion. I personally couldn't get excited about any of these games for a long time because a bit of spaceaction means far too much preparation and micromanagement for me. When people compare the games Starbase and Starshipevo, Starshipevo stands out because it offers NPCs and currently requires much less micromanagement. For me these are e.g. the two points that make Starshipevo better. But that is my personal opinion or the opinion of the 2 people with whom I play Starshipevo more often. I don't know how many people think like that. But this discussion is very important to us because me and my friends don't like playing any of the named survival games for the reason that we hate the Micromanagement that causes the lack of action and the lack of NPCs (which are essential for regular action). I imagine it very hard to program NPCs to fly into my hangar and refuel. And for what added value? The alternative would be that own Npcs are simply not possible or never have to refuel.

If I need weeks to build a large combat ship in loving detail, I don't want to need weeks to scrape the fuel together to make it fly for a limited time, what I want is to experience fun and action with the cool things that I can build in Starshipevo. I would like to emphasize again that this is only an opinion of me and the two people with whom I play/build/test regularly. I don't know if or how many others think that way.

Servomotor commented 4 years ago

I like the idea of fuel. What I do not like are ships that run out of fuel fast. I think fuel is a necessity, but should not run out after 15 minutes of even 4 hours. Small vehicles or vehicles that players would start making should be able to be fueled manually, but as the ship gets larger I think it should have to fuel at a fuel depot.

Fuel introduces a grind, ALL GAMES need a grind, even if players do not like them. If there is no grind, content is consumed too fast and players get bored. Imagine if you got all your loot off a boss drop in an MMORPG only after 1 kill. Instead of playing the game for months on end, the player would be done in a single weekend. Fuel is a necessity as a grind, but does not need to be mundane.

Fuel is also a gold sink, a way to take money out of the game. If there is a money system in game, there has to be money sinks to take it out of the game.

Adding fuel to a spaceship is an immersive element that makes the ship feel believable. Even a nuclear reactor needs fuel, although it can last for years. Fuel opens up trade possibilities, slows game play and increases immersion. But, I cant state this strongly enough, there needs to be some form of fuel depot, or fuel ship. Dry Dock stations could be used for fueling. Fueling needs to be more engaging than just moving an item from inventory to ships fuel tank. I don't think pipes or conveyor belts are necessary, but residing inside of an area at a dry dock or attaching a refueling spaceship could work.

Also I cant state this enough, fuel should last longer than most games. If you have to fuel all the time, every 15 min or even every couple hours it does get old. It should last a few days of long hour game play, maybe even a week or so on large ships. Space stations should last indefinitely with solar power. Ground bases should be similar, but spaceships, hover cars etc should need some form of fuel.

Fueling depos also open up the opportunity to get an "oil change" on your spaceship. Maintenance that is required but not something the player can do themselves. This could cost gold/credits/money, be used as a currency sink along with the fuel.

Fuel can also be used for game play balance and to force certain desirable outcomes.

For example. We all know lighting is a large chunk of required computational power. Too many lights on = low FPS and unhappy customers, the issue is that most people do not understand that in a building game THEY have to exercise restriction on how they build, so you have to lead them to certain ways of building to work within the framework of your desired performance goal. To curb people from leaving lights on (and increase their FPS), you incentivize the player by making their fuel last a long time if they do not have many lights on at the same time, just like real life electricity bills. Keep lights on and pay a lot, everyone knows to turn lights off.

If a player uses area triggers to turn lights on and off as they walk through their ship, then no real penalty to the fuel usage, but if they leave a lot on, make it cost more fuel so that they learn to turn lights off. It can be used to help drive your desired building goals.

Anyway, just my thoughts on fuel.

nokturnihs commented 4 years ago

I would agree stations shouldn't expend fuel, and I'm not saying fuel shouldn't be one option for ships but the main thing here is blueprints - if ALL levels of engines/reactors require fuel then @tsunamayo is rejecting every submitted blueprint he's received. That's a lot of work for him or people who've been donating builds to help him out with the game (or both).

As far as other forms of grind, I'm pretty sure there will be plenty.

I look at this game as a great building game. I love building games, especially those set in space. There's a lot however I just don't play for long because for some reason most of the space building games are so obsessively focused on grind they're just not fun for me and my passion for building. I play other building games with decent grind as well - Conan exiles, minecraft, etc. The more commonly referenced games like empyrion and space engineers I can't really get into for long because the grind is excessive and the hours it takes to manufacture and build anything are too high and the ships are either paper thin and subject to destruction the first time you land poorly or only usable for very small periods due to fuel constraints.

In addition we also have several things currently limiting build styles that are released/planned and complex fueling/refueling systems add more limitations, pushing small ships further away from being possible. Heat Air tightness Piped inventories (some) ammo consumption hull strength per block

I think most these systems are fine, but I also play exclusively in single player and have seen almost every single game in this genre balance grind towards multiplayer and leaving the single player experience a grinding, boring, frustrated mess. But to cycle back, I know all the diehard grinders out there hate the idea of a single tier of reactor and engine being a fuel-free experience but maybe concessions can be made along these lines. I don't believe the existing reactors and engines will make content consumption a problem, especially if the fuel-consuming tiers offer significant advantages (especially if balanced with building styles in mind.)

Servomotor commented 4 years ago

This is why I suggested that fuel last a long time. So we get the flavor of interaction, the believability of a machine that needs fuel but without the constant grinding for fuel material.

I desire fuel more for the immersive aspect, that fuel stations would need to be created, its another tradable item and it presents a challenge when building plus fuel tanks often just look cool (if done right).

AS far as blueprints go. I will make the statement right now. I Servo will personally retrofit every single packaged ship in game that requires fuel tanks to ensure all old blueprints in the game work. For free of cost and in a timely fashion with up to 40 hours of my time freely given per week until all the ships are updated.

Outside of that, the ships made for the game right now are not numerous enough to leave out a mechanic for the fear of blueprints not being useful. Also if Tsuna decides to add fuel all designers have to do is leave some space in their ships for them. I understand the concern, but its really a non issue in the bigger scheme of things.

nokturnihs commented 4 years ago

It's a nice offer and would be great but there's a couple problems:

Still, it's amazing to see people being so supportive of Francois!

nokturnihs commented 4 years ago

Oh and on leaving space for fuel - I've sent in several blueprints but at least 3 would be rendered completely unusable should fuel become a requirement, all three have no room to add fuel and several of my other submissions don't really have room either without massive overhaul.

Servomotor commented 4 years ago

I am always glad to help although I don't really see any problems as many of your concerns are easy to remedy.

Ultimately, fuel is a core element to a spaceship game. Its so foundational to the genre that NOT having fuel will make the game feel incomplete to many customers. People are conditioned to needing fuel, to grinding etc. They are not conditioned to fuel being a free thing. If I am to be completely honest, not having fuel would make this game feel very amateur in it's design and that is the CORE reason why I am here, because I do not see amateur at all in Tsuna, in fact I see him as one of the best developers I have worked with, regardless of title. I wanted to back this game years ago but I missed the kickstarter. I have asked Tsuna if I could back him financially because I believe in his vision, like you I want to see the best for this game and I can tell you that not having some form of fuel element is a huge mistake.

If you would humor me. I'd like to prove to you that the three 3 builds you say have no space for fuel, could in face be reworked with fuel tanks. Share them with me, give me your requirements for fuel size in the cubic area, be realistic and allow me to try. If I fail its no loss to you. No harm, no foul.

nokturnihs commented 4 years ago

Go ahead two are in the backer github and one is in the main I believe, the goldbug the blackbox and one other tiny ship I posted. That said to be proven "right" the ships need to maintain the EXACT dimensions and functionality. Good luck, they're literally microbuilds. Which is the point. Also take into consideration that fuel tanks will probably be full block sized, not microblocks. They're not part of my backer submissions but are themed for them but dunno if Francois is gonna want them in game or not.

I still fail to understand why a tier of reactor and engine is so dramatically unacceptable? We have fuel-free vehicles NOW and we can barely get out of our own atmosphere. Yes they run on batteries but still.

I also will say that your whole thing about adhering to industry standards - well, frankly if you've played that many hours why would you want another clone of the same mechanics in almost every space building game? And then there's the fact that almost all of them have a fuel free option for power, be it solar, "void reactors" or whatever. If you play modded minecraft there's many fuel free options and in real life we have solar, wind, water power. There's theories for harnessing gravity, solar winds, the ionosphere to generate power. There's even new supermaterials that produce power in novel ways. It's not a stretch, not game breaking.

I'll see how you do on those refits and good luck - each of the ships that will be rendered obsolete with mandatory fuel at all stages is under 10m squared which is why I make the claim. Two also fold up into a "box" but to be fair one might have room enough for it. Maybe.

I guess I'm just boggled as to why some folk are so obsessed with forcing everyone into more grind and limiting build options. I wonder why they don't play the games that require all that. I enjoy the building in starship EVO but to be frank, if the survival mechanics are loaded up with grind, I'll have a hard time sticking with the game - mainly because we already have space engineers, empyrion, EVE, and so many others to fill that void. I didnt think we needed another of those. And SEVO Has an amazing building system and sits somewhere between SE And starmade for feel in my mind. I'm an older guy myself, and have played a lot of these games as I am disabled and it helps distract from chronic pain. That said, I don't think there's anything wrong with having both options and feel like forcing one particular mentality on all the players has killed most of the better building games or left them stuck in early access oblivion for years longer than they should have been.

Gonna stop arguing this point though. I'm sure it's irritating @tsunamayo and both sides have been presented with a lot of alternatives and options. We'll see what he picks.

Servomotor commented 4 years ago

"Go ahead two are in the backer github and one is in the main I believe, the goldbug the blackbox and one other tiny ship I posted. That said to be proven "right" the ships need to maintain the EXACT dimensions and functionality. Good luck, they're literally microbuilds. Which is the point. Also take into consideration that fuel tanks will probably be full block sized, not microblocks. They're not part of my backer submissions but are themed for them but dunno if Francois is gonna want them in game or not.

"I still fail to understand why a tier of reactor and engine is so dramatically unacceptable? We have fuel-free vehicles NOW and we can barely get out of our own atmosphere. Yes they run on batteries but still."

"I'll see how you do on those refits and good luck - each of the ships that will be rendered obsolete with mandatory fuel at all stages is under 10m squared which is why I make the claim. Two also fold up into a "box" but to be fair one might have room enough for it. Maybe." I can't work on your ships without your understanding of concessions. I already detailed this in my OP. Its part of the design process.

"I guess I'm just boggled as to why some folk are so obsessed with forcing everyone into more grind and limiting build options. I wonder why they don't play the games that require all that. I enjoy the building in starship EVO but to be frank, if the survival mechanics are loaded up with grind, I'll have a hard time sticking with the game - mainly because we already have space engineers, empyrion, EVE, and so many others to fill that void. I didnt think we needed another of those. And SEVO Has an amazing building system and sits somewhere between SE And starmade for feel in my mind. I'm an older guy myself, and have played a lot of these games as I am disabled and it helps distract from chronic pain. That said, I don't think there's anything wrong with having both options and feel like forcing one particular mentality on all the players has killed most of the better building games or left them stuck in early access oblivion for years longer than they should have been."

"Gonna stop arguing this point though. I'm sure it's irritating @tsunamayo and both sides have been presented with a lot of alternatives and options. We'll see what he picks."

Servomotor commented 4 years ago

I should also note. I would love to see the game play elements that fuel requirements bring to the game, I would be sad if they did not happen but regardless of Tsunas choice I will still support his vision because StEvo, in my opinion, is a bit of a pioneer. This game offers game elements I have been dreaming about for at least a decade. I grew up on Legos like Tsuna and video games and always wondered why no one had "done it" yet, he is and I am super excited to be here making things that I hope people find enjoyment in.

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

Okay guys I am a bit under the water here, if someone could do a quick recap that could be cool! Right now I would say me preferred option regarding fuel would be: 1) no fuel for mini thruster 2) fuel for interstellar jump 3) then either fuel for lightcruise or fuel for power. 4) Late gate higher tier tech with no fuel (whether it be reactor or thruster) 5) when fuel is needed the block will be able to store a basic amount of fuel. Like the reactor can store a bit of power. => 4) and 5) should guarantee minimum impact on current build. But I havent put more though than that, it will likely change...

nokturnihs commented 4 years ago

Sounds like you have the core of the debate figured out @tsunamayo

@Servomotor we can move this to discord where it may be more appropriate, unless @tsunamayo wants this here... Sounds like he doesn't.

Basically though the debates are around how much grind is too much, more specifically how fuel will effect submissions, and whether it's required in all tiers of ship systems or the existing reactors and engines are going to become a survival tier needing no fuel or not. There's also some debate as to whether build mechanics and grind are needed to prevent content consumption like an MMO or whether content consumption is different in a building game of this kind.

But yeah, servo I'm gonna reach out to ya on discord in DM. Should not I'm not officially attached in any capacity to Starship EVO outside of backing it on kickstarter and being around a while (mostly dormant until recently). Sorry if there was some confusion there.

Servomotor commented 4 years ago

There is no need to take this into discord. I am not debating for the sake of debating, I am debating to help the design of the game. I have some experience in this, specifically in building games with small voxels.

I will part with this. If the fuel system is being designed around pre-existing art assets instead of a logical loop or progression system, then this is the wrong and backwards approach.

ProPeach commented 4 years ago

I'm with Servo on this - The current "void reactors" are good for a Creative game mode like what we have at the moment, but have absolutely no place in Survival/Career mode progression. They're a convenient stop gap until Survival is implemented, but should not be shoehorned into the future Survival system.

I completely sympathise with you Tsuna - it seems you want us to build you hundreds of ships for NPCs with the blocks we have now and don't want to have to update them later which would be a huge task for anyone. But the infinite power no-fuel generation reactors we have now is completely incompatible with any future plans. Survival at its core is not about infinite resources, it's about earning those resources through play - that's where the satisfaction comes from (for most people). This is how almost any game with in this genre works, you need to keep your ships fields for them to keep working. With many fuel types and horizontal tier sidegrades, fuel becomes a interesting mechanic rather than a nothing chore.

There are other solutions however. Space Engineers use to have infinite generating reactors back when it was a Creative only game too. When Survival was implemented and reactors needed fuel, NPC ships simply spawned with a little fuel in their reactors inventories with no need to change the blueprint. Of course, I'm not saying this is the route you should take, but it shows that there are many ways to handle the transition between Creative and Survival.

I'm sure this topic will come up again in the future so I'll wait around till then, in the meantime I hope this has been helpful to think about.