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[Suggestion] Range control over lighting bricks #2560

Open Kaiser-Indrasil opened 4 years ago

Kaiser-Indrasil commented 4 years ago

There is a lot of things I don't like about Space Engineers but their light block settings are one of the best. You can customise different things like:

The intensity, blink interval, and blink length can be already set up with logic, and that's good, but I'm really needing a Range option, too, so I can recreate this effect without lighting up the neighbouring interior space every 2 or so seconds ;) UpPbS6dGLb

tsunamayo commented 4 years ago

No blinking for now for internal light, but it might come in the future. I want to add also "glow" light, ie light that dont shade blocks around, for effect like you want. Thanks

Kaiser-Indrasil commented 4 years ago

Oh, glow lights would be a godsend! I'm fine with the internal lights not blinking for now since I can easily bypass that with logic by turning them on and off rapidly.

My main point is the addition of range. At range set to 0 they could just glow brightly without casting light over the surrounding voxels.

ProPeach commented 4 years ago

You can set a lights intensity by linking a Sequencer to it, I haven't checked but it might also reduce the range

Kaiser-Indrasil commented 4 years ago

It does, however I need a high-intensity, low-range solution in my particular case.