tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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[New build - EXPERIMENTAL] 20w40a: Galaxy Holomap #3003

Open tsunamayo opened 3 years ago

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

The work on galaxy continue with the addition of the Holomap. The holomap currently shows the galaxy and will be used to travel through the galaxy. Access it from a Spaceship by pressing the H key (bindable). The stars distribution has also been revamped.



tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

Build is up! It dont seems like much but it was a real pain to get it out for some reason... Cheers

ZachZent commented 3 years ago

Not to be a bother, but will holograms of ships/entities be coming with this set of updates? Would love to see my ship in the holoprojector and possibly other ships I am targeting. I have good memories of seeing an elevator move inside the hologram

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

Nope not in this update but it is planned at one point, if I can make it cheap and not too complex code wise.

ZachZent commented 3 years ago

Well what about the 3d model in the ship display window? That is an in game 3d model. Would it be possible to have that on a holoprojector with the transparency lowered by 50%, add a [colored] tint? Would probably only be the ship it is on, connected to the ship's core. Extra stuff past that can come later like a hologram of another ship, moving entities inside the ship, or maybe even dots for NPC locations when the time comes

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

The UI preview is based on the fact that there could only be a single ship at a time, which dont work for holo projector. I also have to make sure it wont lag when drawing tons of them... Also I cant afford to spend a week on that... But I will give it a shot.

ZachZent commented 3 years ago

Fair enough

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

I repushed the build it had the wrong Patch note!

matejkar commented 3 years ago

@tsunamayo Mind if i ask when will we see a return of turrets shooting the targets that are not aggressive bots? I really think the game cannot have any large scale battles at this moment, even though it has the bases for it, but the aggresive bots always run away, and turrets dont target non agressive ai ships. A lot of players would like to do large scale capital ship battles (thats the reason why i only build and publish capital ships, i was expecting to build a few of them so i can make a battle), but once again, its not possible at the moment, even when playing multiplayer the turrets dont shoot other players targeted by the player using MMB

Womble-TC commented 3 years ago

Awesome, space is looking very pretty again! Any chance we could see coloured lighting at the different star systems when interstellar travel gets added? (Sorry to keep asking about this)

AlienXtream commented 3 years ago

not exactly how i imagined it would look/work (was kinda expecting something more like Spore's space stage) but i like this. its controls are a bit awkward and i would like to be able to rotate the zoomed out map but its really good so far. :D

StarrKiss commented 3 years ago

One problem- the zoom should go towards the mouse location, NOT the selected sector- that would be quite a bit better IMO.

ProPeach commented 3 years ago

This is utterly gorgeous, I love it. I also agree with all of the points made in #3004 as well as @StarrKiss' about zooming in on the mouse, but as a first step this is fantastic. I know you've been swamped with suggestions a bit, but do you think that increasing the size of the hologram like the old stacking mechanic will ever return?

Alkaliii commented 3 years ago

Don't know if this has been suggested but a command-line/ search box where you can input sector and star coordinates would be cool.

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

@ProPeach I just want to have a small setting windows in the holomap were you can pick a different size. @Aiwii yes it would make a lot of sense! @matejkar this seems to be an issue. Yes I need to find a way to do allow for this, but it cant just be as before, because you might want to select civilian stuff without shooting at them!

AlienXtream commented 3 years ago

@tsunamayo MMB radial menu perhaps?

Vuxz123 commented 3 years ago

I dont know why since the medbay and player health update, i couldnt get my game updated, the updates were not on my steam.

Do someone know the answer for this?

AlienXtream commented 3 years ago

they are in the experimental versions. go to the game's steam properties and in the betas tab open the drop down and select "experimental". make sure that the game is not running first otherwise steam wont let you click the dropdown menu

Vuxz123 commented 3 years ago


Sofa499 commented 3 years ago

The new skybox is gorgeous, and the holo starmap is a lot more intuitive than the original version. I'm stoked to be able to use it, even if it's just for a change of backdrop scenery.

WILDCATreactor commented 3 years ago


@matejkar this seems to be an issue. Yes I need to find a way to do allow for this, but it cant just be as before, because you might want to select civilian stuff without shooting at them!

...what about a hotkey or 'combat computer' block that lets your set turret alert status from green to black? Green, weapons off; Yellow; weapons online, turrets only target hostiles that fire weapons; Red, turrets automatically fire on hostiles; Black, turrets fire on any target in range. Hostiles are defined as AI hostiles and any ship at Red or Black Alert or any ship without a combat computer firing weapons. Added to this could be some kind of exception or Friend-or-Foe list allowing you to add other ships with a combat computer.