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[Suggestion] Star system names not capatlized & duplicates #3040

Open ZachZent opened 3 years ago

ZachZent commented 3 years ago

This is more of a pet peeve, but it is weird that the system names being proper nouns are not capitalized. cytans vs Cytans. Not sure if this is intentional or just due to the naming generator. If there is a list, perhaps it can be imported into excel. The =PROPER(__) command in excel would capitalize them instantly.

There is also a problem with duplicates. we has found seven"arago" systems already. [-64:52], [-64:40], [-64:16], [-64:8], [-57:40], [-41:42], [-64,-35]. Actually we found more, but I don't want to keep updating... This is going to be a problem when players search for specific systems when what may be potentially hundreds of duplicates pop up.

I see two solutions off hand. First is completely revamp the random name generator. It seems like the system name generation comes from the location in the system with predefined prefixs and suffexs. This has the problem that many star systems have very similar names in a very specific pattern in similar locations even ignoring duplicates. Creating a new random naming generator may be too difficult given the number of star systems which would leave many with wildly wacky names. Going down to planets makes it even more difficult.

The second solution is remove the names entirely and give the systems their own in-system coordinates based on the grid. For example Sator (another star that has a lot of duplicates) would be [3:6]. Now this is admittedly boring, but adding in a way for players to rename systems with exploration would make it a bit more interesting. Plus who doesn't love to name their own system and planets?

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

so yes that system is very much wip, I will do something much refined at one point!