tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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[BUG] Haunted Buttons #3080

Open daOyster opened 3 years ago

daOyster commented 3 years ago

Short Description of the issue:

My buttons are haunted. output_log.txt


Additional information:



Blueprint: Starting Zone 2 - Building modified.zip

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

Lol, okay indeed there is something fishy, thanks for the gif.

daOyster commented 3 years ago

I thought it might be a little funny without much context. To be honest though I'm not really sure how to recreate the issue other than it probably had something to do with the attached blueprint since I couldn't repeat the issue anywhere else on the map by rebuilding it there, even when it was still happening on that blueprint just a couple of blocks away. It also went away when I restarted the game and haven't seen it happen again since. Doesn't seem like it's a very common bug because I haven't seen anyone else mention it on the Discord.