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All objects in gameworld completely vanished. #3449

Open SigilFey opened 3 years ago

SigilFey commented 3 years ago

Short Description of the issue:

All objects in gameworld apparently vanished. I simply exited the game via the options menu. When I went back to it about an hour later, I had not even restarted the PC or anything. Just relaunched the game. Every single object was completely gone. Not just my creations -- space stations, all tutorial buildings and ships -- every single object.

The game didn't exhibit any weird behavior prior to this that I could detect. It loaded up again without issue. Everything was simply...not.

Already tried repairing / verifying files though Steam, trying to restart, etc. My blueprints are still there. Only the save-state of the gameworld was affected, as far as I can see.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

No idea how it happened in the first place.


Additional information:

(Screenshots, Videos, Error logs, Related issues)

Please also include the output_log.txt file. You can find your log here: %UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Moonfire Entertainment\Starship EVO\ output_log.txt

If you issue concerns a particular design please include any blueprint that could help to reproduce the issue. Blueprint folder is over at: %UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Moonfire Entertainment\Starship EVO\Save_Data\Blueprints\

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

@SigilFey Hi, can you give me your character save? Thanks!

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

Also do you still see stars in the sky? If you press F3 / Game/ Allow Teleport to any ship, and then press F3, can you teleport back to a ship (if you see a list of ships)? Thx

SigilFey commented 3 years ago

I see stars. Those are definitely stars.

No options to teleport, though. No list appears, and I don't have a teleporter on the ship I'm working on.

How does one send a save file? Is it the entire folder with my player name? Or (a) specific file(s) within?

ProPeach commented 3 years ago

@SigilFey you can just zip up the folder named after your character and drag it here, that would be best

SigilFey commented 3 years ago


Ye olde profile save, as requested. (Just note that the ship spawned in, I placed there after the incident to continue working on it.)

SigilFey commented 3 years ago

Also, I'm NOT asking for you to fix my save. Completely irrelevant to me finishing my design (as far as I can tell, at least). I'm just trying to notify you that it happened so you can figure out how / why. Please, don't waste any time trying to put stuff back into the save. (Even if the blueprint is somehow borked and I have to begin the design all over again, I'm fine with that.) I'm only interested in knowing what happened. I literally closed the game, came back about an hour later, and everything had "poofed". In the negative sense.

SigilFey commented 3 years ago

So whatcha think? Did I break the whole universe? I did, didn't I? That universe broke GOOD!

(Very fun game, btw. Having a blast with it!)

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

@SigilFey sorry I am busy on some stuff - btw did you tried with the latest update 21w01a? Got it, I just wanted to see what kind of problem it was and make sure it wont happens again. I would think you are being teleport very far from the center. thx

SigilFey commented 3 years ago

No rush! I'll try out the new version later tonight.

I don't think it was a matter of being teleported, as I was still on the surface of the ringworld, but I couldn't see any targeting contacts or anything, and I was building my fighter right next to the main "tutorial" hangar so that I could look at the two demo ships for reference if I needed to. Something of great weirdness must have happened.

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

@SigilFey so the Space Habitat didnt disappeared?

SigilFey commented 3 years ago

On my end, everything is gone: the buildings and ships on the ringworld, the space stations, etc. All of it. The only thing in my present playthrough (that I can see) is my ship design that I spawned in from the blueprint. Everything else was there when I first created the world, but as of now, it has all vanished.

It's possible that maybe I just can't detect the buildings from where I am? Not sure. Either way, I don't see any "targets" (the little, white reticles) anywhere, and I have no options to teleport to anything. When it originally happened, I was literally right next to the main starting area with the demo spaceships parked on either side of my construction. Now, I'm on an empty ringworld.

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

@SigilFey So I had a look, indeed it seems that these entity are gone. Not sure what happened. Did you had an issue at one point? Maybe it was corrupted during the save process. thx

SigilFey commented 3 years ago

That would be my guess as well, but there was no indication of anything going wrong in the game. I was playing just fine. Everything was normal, and had been for over a week on that save. I exited the game normally, no issues. I taught one of my online classes. I loaded up the game afterward (about 1 hr. 15 minutes later). Everything was gone. No errors, no weird glitching, just gone. I didn't close Steam or restart my PC between it. Just exited, did the class, and launched the game again. No idea.