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[VOXEL REMOVAL PREVIEW BUILD ROUND#8] More Bugfixes + system finer grid. #3773

Open tsunamayo opened 3 years ago

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

ROUND#8 - More Bugfixes + system finer grid.

More bugfixes! This build also adds a finer grid for systems.

TO DO before the release:

Some more bugfixes:

Garrett-C commented 3 years ago

shoot on the ambulance:

I loved this expression, so I asked uncle Google the meaning.

In brazilian portuguese we have a similar expression: "Chutar cachorro morto", "To kick a dead dog". But the french one seems less agressive xD.

Ah so it's the equivalent of beating a dead horse which is the one I would use in the UK. Good to know.

BigBadKangaroo commented 3 years ago

Don't know if it was already mentioned by someone else, but lattice girders don't spawn in correctly on blueprints (pic 1), and trying to replace them in the correct size is not possible (pic 2) 1: 20210514225438_1 2: 20210514225603_1

and the docking ring/door block doesn't show the right color even though it is painted in the same color (pic 3)

3: 20210514225509_1

ExodistSKY1 commented 3 years ago


When far distances away the system just stops showing that anything is present, distance visible depends on its size.

20210514234857_1 20210514234905_1 20210514234912_1 20210514234923_1

Kaiser-Indrasil commented 3 years ago

Oh right, with the ginormous builds looming on the horizon that were made possible by the Scale Tech, we will need a far greater drawing distance. And I mean, A FAR GREATER.

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

yes like I said in a previous post I havent worked on that yet. I have two camera, one for close object and one for far away. The painful thing is there is a bug on older nvidia / amd card which makes working on the drawing strategy time consuming for a slower in game result - it kinda sucks.

BigBadKangaroo commented 3 years ago

I've got a question regarding the voxel removal branch:

If i build something in it, will it convert to the new experimental branch when the full update is released?

ProPeach commented 3 years ago

I've got a question regarding the voxel removal branch:

If i build something in it, will it convert to the new experimental branch when the full update is released?

@BigBadKangaroo Yes, all your builds will convert to the new no voxel branch fine. We're working through the bugs now to make sure of it. Might be a couple of issues with paint, but nothing major

Xenoprophet-Nail commented 3 years ago

Silly question are offsets staying in? Because I'm going to losse all my sliding chairs and engines and other designs if they are going away. I use them a lot to get parts centered where I need them.

Garrett-C commented 3 years ago

Silly question are offsets staying in? Because I'm going to losse all my sliding chairs and engines and other designs if they are going away. I use them a lot to get parts centered where I need them.

Yea they are.

BigBadKangaroo commented 3 years ago

I've got a question regarding the voxel removal branch: If i build something in it, will it convert to the new experimental branch when the full update is released?

@BigBadKangaroo Yes, all your builds will convert to the new no voxel branch fine. We're working through the bugs now to make sure of it. Might be a couple of issues with paint, but nothing major

Thanks! I'm working in a smaller build that uses a lot of the 1/8 Blocks and I don't want to loose it