tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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[New build - EXPERIMENTAL] 21w26a: Prefabs #3913

Open tsunamayo opened 3 years ago

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

A new prefab mechanism has been introduced. It improves the current copy/paste tool and add the possibility to export the clipboard and share it on the workshop. Then each "prefab" can be re-used later on.

WARNING => with this feature it becomes extremely easy to put a lot of detail into a build. The engine cant deal with an infinite amount of bricks. Use it with caution, you are responsible for the negative performance of your designs!


Still wip:

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

Build is up. Have fun! We will do a couple of hotfix patch I guess, but once done I will ask for a few landing gear / turret / else to be used as a starter pack for newcomers!

ZachZent commented 3 years ago

Prefab category (turret / landing gear).

Just an idea for the prefab menu, allow players to make custom folders so you can bulk share or categorize parts that go on one ship versus having all turrets together. This could also be nice for the blueprint menu, say you want to keep a fleet of ships all in one place.

daOyster commented 3 years ago

Not sure if this was a bug in previous versions or not, but deleting weapons freezes the game until it crashes for me on the new build.

FluxenBoba commented 3 years ago

two crashes to report, same game file as i sent in my previous bug report. same ship too on one of them. first one i tried to delete a reactor on the starting blue ship, and i got a game crash. no idea why. the second one i was wiring up a lightswitch, and ran the wire over an already connected angled light and the game crashed. that one was with my ship that i reported having the painting bug earlier.

Pawnp commented 3 years ago

Not sure if this was a bug in previous versions or not, but deleting weapons freezes the game until it crashes for me on the new build.

In addition to weapons, all three lights and both lattice girders when deleted will cause the game to crash. Consistently.

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

@Pawnp okay let me have a look at it.

BinHawkins42 commented 3 years ago

same here when deleting a light my game crashed and now it will crash whenever trying to lunch the load into the game.

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

@BinHawkins42 okay, please send a player.log. Was it fine in the previous build?

Pawnp commented 3 years ago

I've done a short test by placing and deleting each block but found that only weapons, lattice, and lights cause my game to crash. However I've gotten reports that other users that deleting other types of blocks will cause their games to crash.

A crash handler doesnt appear in my player log for some odd reason Player.log

BinHawkins42 commented 3 years ago

yes it was fine in the previous build. here is my player.log Player.log

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

So I just fixed that issue. I will push a patch asap, it is quite blocking... Cheers

tsunamayo commented 3 years ago

I have just repushed the build with the fix as it was a regression. There will be new pirate ship though, it might a bit chaotic around the stations...

BruceLeedleLeedleLeedleLee commented 3 years ago

Ok, first of all: AMAZING WORK. dude this changes so much but a few things: settings in the f1 and f3 menues dont save over when restarting the game, thats a general problem, not exactly with this build. second, there should be a way to delete blueprints and prefabs ingame, i just go to the respective folder to yeet them again but the usual user probably wont do that. Edit: also hinge heads for anything smaller than 1m scale are invisible. turns out this was on my side, nevermind

BinHawkins42 commented 3 years ago

ok so I'm still getting this crash that happens every time I load this character. I don't know if it happens to the other characters or not as I have not tried that yet. here is a screen shot of the error that comes up right before it freezes up and crashes.

crash bug

I might trying to start from scratch but don't want to have to get that drastic.

edit: ok so that seems to be the only character effected by the glitch. the other characters seem un effected by the crashing bug.

BigBadKangaroo commented 3 years ago

After trying out the new prefab thing by making a turret as a prefab and placeing it, the game starts crashing after a few seconds. Doesn't seem to be very stable right now.

And after spawning in a ship the new pirate ships ingame start cruising to my location and try to hunt me down ... just tried to build some things and got attacked by these

Briaireous commented 3 years ago

time to split up my prefabs Starship EVO 6_27_2021 12_06_45 PM

BinHawkins42 commented 3 years ago

ok so my plight continues. it seems that every time a load up a new character it works fine tell I load the game up again after leaving the game. I get that error message from previous post and the game crashes. I'm going to create a new bug report on the main thread, so this gets more attention but main its annoying.

Kaiser-Indrasil commented 3 years ago

Amazing! I'm already building some prefab turrets. I will try to post the first one tomorrow

BruceLeedleLeedleLeedleLee commented 3 years ago

This may be a bit of a stretch but working with turrets ive found something that may be nice: wiring logic into a turret controller should make the turret AI switch on and off. so if you used a switch you could make the turret stop firing and return to the resting positon. I need this for concealed folding turrets so they dont start clipping and attempting to aim in their hold

Uncle-Ulty commented 3 years ago

I found something that I don't understand. When I try to copy some mechanisms, the copy tool doesn't work. But If I copy the entire build, with the desired mechanisms inside the copy selection, everything works fine.

I tried to remove every inlet and outlet links that were crossing the selection frontier, but it continues to not work. There is something that doesn't allow the selection to work in specific segments.

Dwarf-LordPangolin commented 3 years ago

Prefabs?! Oh yes!