tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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[New build - EXPERIMENTAL] 21w40a: Kiosks, Displays bricks #4208

Open tsunamayo opened 2 years ago

tsunamayo commented 2 years ago

This build introduces a few functionalities relative to kiosks, a key element to the gameplay loop.

This build also introduces the game currency: the Wan (W with a double slash.) Name still wip, I will check with the community for name suggestion.

Community Suggestion:

4200 Thin Lattice Girder placement offset.

Other new features:


3849 Collision on canopy wedge.

4197 Tile Triangle glow when far away.

4196 Flood light LOD glow wrong positioning.

4185 #4183 Pipe Connector not sending fuel.

4201 Decal sampling issues at border.

4152 Docking sub-module spawn fails if sub-module contains a light.

4206 New stretch indicator can display incorrect values.

4199 Game breaks when placing barrel.

4205 Grand-children entity can cause mechanism to get stuck.

tsunamayo commented 2 years ago

Build is up! Thanks a lot guys!

Regnion commented 2 years ago

"Credits" will do fine.

TIKIRobo commented 2 years ago

I do like the fact that the money name is as "basic" as something like credits but not everyone loves the name Wan (personally i think its fine) also what do you think about (in the far future) the ability for servers to have custom currencies with worth based off of the Wan/default money or maybe multiple different currencies each with difference values based on the faction you're trying to give it to

ZachZent commented 2 years ago

I thought you liked the idea of Clips for a currency name. Unique, punchy, and references clipping for sevo vets

Dwarf-LordPangolin commented 2 years ago

Some awesome fixes, and it's very exciting to see more of the gameplay elements taking shape!

JackTSpade commented 2 years ago

Suggestions for currency:

In the wild west, one .45 bullet was worth on shot of whiskey, that's why they still call it a shot. Maybe something equivalent to a unit of fuel? Maybe fuel is the currency?

Other ideas: The Solar (S with a slash, the dollar sign. Convenient.) The Exchange unit (X, eX, something like that) The As (doesn't need to be abbreviated)

tsunamayo commented 2 years ago

@ZachZent yeah I forgot about that one... Wan was just a reference to Wanderers, it sounds like an asian currency but I dont like the sound of it. Also the W with two bar is like in Cowboy Bebop. (woolong) But you guys can suggest more stuff. Of course credits would also works, it is a kind of a trope for scifi. For now I would say Clips > Wans

ZachZent commented 2 years ago

I'd suggest for Clip's currency symbol use something similar to The OCP logo from Robocop. The letter with a line though it is functional, but a bit boring. Geometric rings in some pattern with a gap would be a cool looking logo image

Some ones I made similar image image

Kaiser-Indrasil commented 2 years ago

Clips sounds good. I came up with something more simplistic for their symbol: Illustrator_1XWIPV4xig

CurioInventorium commented 2 years ago

Hinges work nicely now 😄 Kiosks are certainly going to brighten builds up. I like how the fuel and repair kiosks pick up the name of the ship/building they're on, and to allow choosing anything docked.

I also noticed the highlight on the kiosk computer block ghost to help know which way round it is. A welcome quality of life addition 🥳

pyronide commented 2 years ago

Can we get a pin code UI? Configure the pin code with config gate, and have the the kiosk just emit a signal?

Dwarf-LordPangolin commented 2 years ago

I don't have any particularly strong feelings about the name of the currency, though I will say that I worry that a new player will look at their HUD and wonder why they have so many ammunition clips.

My personal suggestion would be to name the currency after something lore-related to whatever the largest government in the game is going to be, since presumably that government's currency would be the galactic standard, and would be named/nicknamed after something related to it.

nokturnihs commented 2 years ago

Currency names: I agree - CREDITS is the best option here. If you want more diversity - "HARD" is currency in-world that say a smuggler might use to get paid, while "SOFT" or "VIRT" would be referencing an electronic transaction of credits.

nokturnihs commented 2 years ago

Clips could be cool. Credits is fine too. Hate Wan myself.

Isn't Wan the name of china's upcoming cryptocurrency?

Arutus commented 2 years ago

So when are we getting other window blocks. If you dont mind me asking? Im still hoping we get the same window block types as all the hull blocks

ProPeach commented 2 years ago

So when are we getting other window blocks. If you dont mind me asking? Im still hoping we get the same window block types as all the hull blocks

Here's the Discussion thread for reference Tsuna - https://github.com/tsunamayo/Starship-EVO/discussions/4094

CurioInventorium commented 2 years ago

@tsunamayo The 3-hotbars are no longer saving the selected blocks on reloading the game. Don't know if you want this raised as an issue or not.

CurioInventorium commented 2 years ago

Regarding currency and names, maybe each faction could have their own currency with "credits" as an overall galactic digital currency. With the proviso that if there's player created factions, then their own currency could be created. With options for Galactic Credits to be accepted or not. It could expanded out so that commodities (manufactured items/materials, etc) across various factions would have different values depending on market rates (going similar to Eve Online). Which could facilitate cross-faction currency exchange. Similar I suppose to Star Wars Ep1 where they find out that Republic credits aren't valid and they need to find something of equal value for the hyperdrive they want to buy (idk it's been a while since I watched SW ep1).

I suppose that's the complicated side of things if people wanted that. Overall it'd be cool if players could edit the name and symbol used. So if they host a multiplayer game they could theme things to how they want (bottle caps?) 😄

ZachZent commented 2 years ago

That would be hideously complicated if every NPC faction had its own currency. If you go the full mile and have currencies that have different values based on whatever economic criteria from each faction, you will have to consider exchange rates and so on. How do you record exactly how much money you have when you have 20 dabloons, 16 clips, 172 credits, 2 seals, 92 won, etc. And what prevents people from starting endless currencies which if you go the full mile would need an exchangeable value which means the currency will have to constantly update based on factional economics that go past my few college classes in economics can best explain. Or if you go the half mile and allow factions to set up their own currency, but it is all worth the same, then it sort of defeats the purpose. Unless you want your on screen currency tracker to say 20 dabloons, 16 clips, etc.

Easier to have single unified currency with the value of materials being based the systemwide resource total and the planetwide resource total, a simple functional economy

cloudrambler commented 2 years ago

What about having a universal official currency such as Credits, which are fully tracible digital funds. Then also have an untraceable black market version of that currency which is kept offline in physical transfer Clips. Technically they have the same value, but the actual functional value would vary depending on the situation.

If you sell a load of illegal goods to a merchant, they will want to pay you in untraceable Clips. They know that you cannot take them to the bank so they offer you more than the actual value of the goods. Then if you happen to be travelling to a system with an open crime syndicate, you can transfer the Clips at full value and make more money from the original sale.

Conversely if you want to buy a stolen hyperdrive, you could either pay 10,000 Credits or 7,000 Clips. Again to get clips you would have to go somewhere dodgy first. Basically it would mean that players who frequently dealt with criminals could sell higher and buy lower.

ZachZent commented 2 years ago

An interesting idea, but still more complicated then just one consistent currency and without any gameplay benefits. You can have a single currency and get the same effect with the benefits of simplicity.

But that does lead to a question, will currency be physical and an actual item you keep in your inventory, virtual being a essentially part of the UI, or both? That leads into questions about factional and general banks, insurance, losing money if you die, how to transfer money, storing money off your person but not in a bank, etc.

tsunamayo commented 2 years ago

So on the topic here was my plan:

Then I also had ideas for black market pirate play where underground trades would have to be cash - essentially forcing the rogue player to carry more cash, which is a more risky proposition. But I am not there yet...l

ZachZent commented 2 years ago

image Another interesting "C" logo

Servomotor commented 2 years ago

This is my proposal. Skredit

Ok..so "Skred" is a messenger app on google play, probably best to scratch that.

My GF suggested "Evobytes"

C0deMonkey88 commented 2 years ago

I think the idea of a cash/chip system with a intergalactic bank works great. So ideas to add to it:

Armored transports or convoys moving cash around station to station Pirate vault to raid

Here is a few more currency names for the Brainstorming

Interstellar coin or token ISC, IST Galactic exchange note GEN or Genny

Jorpis-Jorah commented 2 years ago

I like the name "Evobytes" it is interesting. But I am not sure. Can somebody remind me the first planned gameloop?