tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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[New build - EXPERIMENTAL] 21w40b: Physics Engine Optimizations #4214

Open tsunamayo opened 2 years ago

tsunamayo commented 2 years ago

This build adds a few performance improvements on the physics engine. This will net a few FPS improvements overall and some very large FPS improvements when mechanisms are moving (FPS are now basically stable)


4209 Collisions not working.

4211 Return to title not working.

4210 Issue with brick culling.

tsunamayo commented 2 years ago

Build is up! Thanks all!

CurioInventorium commented 2 years ago

Piloted ship collides with other ships, but they then drift into the ring. Also when I stop piloting my current ship it just drifts in the air without seemingly responding to the gravity of the ring. Also the landing gear on my most recent ship (and its copy) had reset themselves to the stowed position on re-entering the game. 20211011090613_1 20211011090627_1

tsunamayo commented 2 years ago

@CurioInventorium indeed, I have just repushed the build with both regressions fixed. thanks

CurioInventorium commented 2 years ago

Awesomes, thank you