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Missing Characters/Saved games #4767

Open Blodgemeister opened 1 year ago

Blodgemeister commented 1 year ago

Short Description of the issue:

Hi, I'm hoping someone can help. After updating to version 22w25b, the two characters I had saved are missing from the Character Selection screen. If I browse to S'EVO's AppData folder on my C: drive I can still see the Save_Data folder containing the characters, along with all my saved blueprints.

Does anyone know if there's a way to make these saves visible in the game menu again? If not, could backing up the character and blueprint folders, reinstalling the game, then copying the folders back into AppData work? ...

Steps to reproduce the issue:

Updated from version 22w25a to 22w25b. ...


Additional information:

(Screenshots, Videos, Error logs, Related issues) Character Selection screen: image

AppData folder content: image

Characters folder content: image

Please also include the Player.log file. You can find the log file here: %UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Moonfire Entertainment\Starship EVO\ Player.log

If you issue concerns a particular design please include any blueprint that could help to reproduce the issue. Blueprint folder is over at: %UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Moonfire Entertainment\Starship EVO\Save_Data\Blueprints\ You will need to zip the folder to upload it. To do so Right click and choose [Send to -> compressed zip file] then drag the .zip onto your report to upload it.

Blodgemeister commented 1 year ago

Further to this, if I click "Create new character" I see the below screen and then get a Windows message saying "Starship EVO.exe has stopped working" and the game crashes.


tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@Blodgemeister Hi, could you please send me both your character folder zipped? They are not showing because they cant be uncompressed. Now regarding the crash, could you send me the error.log. Thanks

Blodgemeister commented 1 year ago

Hi, that was a very quick response! Thank you.

I have created .zip files of the two character folders and shared them below: Blodge.zip Blodgemeister.zip

I have re-created the crash event at 00:55 09/07/2022. Below is the most recent .log file: Player.log

Please let me know if you need any more information.

Blodgemeister commented 1 year ago

Hi Tsuna,

I realise you're busy and bug fixes can take a long time, but not being able to create a new character or load an old saved one is preventing me from playing the game completely.

Do you know if there's a way to make these saves visible in the game menu again? Would a reinstallation allow me to at least create a new character, even if the blueprints can't be recovered?


Uncle-Ulty commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem... most of my characters are missing. I have lots of characters, cuz every new build I create a new world. This is the world I'm currently working in and has been missing

Prefab.zip Player.log

Blodgemeister commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem... most of my characters are missing. I have lots of characters, cuz every new build I create a new world. This is the world I'm currently working in and has been missing

Prefab.zip Player.log

Hi Ulty, sorry to hear you're having the same problem. Hopefully there's a simple fix.

Blodgemeister commented 1 year ago

Update: I tried using the Steam app to verify the files. It found one problematic file which it re-downloaded, but I still got the error when trying to create a new character. I then used the Steam app to uninstall and re-install the game but this still made no difference. The game is currently unplayable.

As a next step, I'll try uninstalling again, then viewing the AppData folder to see if anything has been left behind. If so, I'll manually delete the folder structure before re-installing and report back here with the outcome.

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@Blodgemeister Hi, sorry I was in the middle of a big update so I could not make any progress. Update is out now, so I am keeping you posted!

Blodgemeister commented 1 year ago

Hi @tsunamayo,

Thanks for getting back to me. I saw the news article about the crafting update, nice work! I appreciate you giving it priority.

Regarding the bug, last night I tried the following steps: 1) Copied the content of the C:\Users\Blodge\AppData\LocalLow\Moonfire\Starship EVO\Save_Data folder (Blueprints, Characters etc.) to a local back-up folder, 2) Uninstalled the game again using Steam, 3) Manually deleted the content of the C:\Users\Blodge\AppData\LocalLow\Moonfire Entertainment folder, 4) Re-installed the game from Steam,

I was then able to create a new character successfully, so I copied the content of the Starship EVO\Save_Data folder I had from the local backup folder into the C:\Users\Blodge\AppData\LocalLow\Moonfire Entertainment folder.

It was at this point I realised I was making a mistake. When I said in my 2nd post

Further to this, if I click "Create new character" I see the below screen and then get a Windows message saying "Starship EVO.exe has stopped working" and the game crashes.

This was incorrect. I was not clicking the image button. Instead, I was clicking image which I now realize is actually the saved Character called Blodgemeister which, for some reason, has been renamed to "Create a new character".

So it turns out I can create new characters fine. I only get the "Starship EVO.exe has stopped working" error mentioned in my 2nd post when trying to load the old saved character. Also, (much to my relief) the new character I created can access all of my locally saved blueprints.

I hope this post helps narrow-down where the problem is for you, and also helps anyone else with the problem by making them aware it's possible to create a new character as a work-around without losing the Blueprints.

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@Blodgemeister Hi, I can load your game with no issues. One trick is that you had entered a yoke, so you have to exit first to unlock yourself. Can you try to reproduce in 22w30a? It is in experimental. Thanks

Blodgemeister commented 1 year ago

Hi Tsuna,

I switched to the Experimental version using the Steam Library and loaded the game, but it put me into 22w30b. I don't know how to select 22w30a specifically. image

I then tried loading the "Create a new character" character. I got no error message this time, but instead got the below: image

It's possible to use the mouse wheel to cycle through the inventory at the bottom, and pressing Escape brings-up the game menu, but selecting Exit to Title just returns to the above screen, and Exit to Desktop does nothing.

Hope that helps. If not, can you tell me how to select v22w30a so I can test again?


tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@Blodgemeister Hi, do you still have issue with this? It is fine if you test with the latest available build, there is now way for you to roll back to an older one. I am still able to load both your save fine.