tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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spawned in enemies warp away asap #4785

Open commche opened 2 years ago

commche commented 2 years ago

Short Description of the issue:

Spawned in enemies warp away. My CPU isn't the best so if I spawn in ships with lots of CE, by the time my game is unfrozen, the ship has warped away.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

Ryzen 3 CPU. Spawn in a complex ship for battle. Wait for 3 mins to unfreeze PC. Ship has gone.


I think enemy ship AI needs to be more aggressive, and not have an escape imperative

tsunamayo commented 2 years ago

@commche Hi, are your sure the spawned ship has weapons? Can you send me the blueprint? Thanks

commche commented 2 years ago

Yeah it was Dolan's Zeke Class Corvette. I think it was more of a performance issue on my end, because the game froze for about 2 minutes before anything happened - because of the hundreds of entities between our two ships. Im running a Ryzen 3, which is just not fast enough for big battles. Otherwise the game performs amazing on my rig. The "escape" bug only happens when I get slowdown or as you said, if one party has no weapons.

Vincent14 commented 1 year ago

I've also seen ships warping after be spawned from F8 menu, in my case from the Ring habitat